Look in the right place and you shall find.
It seems many people are not aware the WPI de-bunked the German Study that didn't find XMRV. (We keep hearing about this German study, but not that it wasn't even comparing the same thing.

). note John Coffin didn't remember this fact either in the CFSAC, which was kind of unfortunate as otherwise he gave a great delivery, really impressive and it was good of Wanda to invite him at the last minute to give Doc Peterson some more credit/valdation for his discovery.
As the shrinks are saying XMRV has been around for thousands of years - Coffin is saying it's relatively recent. Coffin should know, he's a virologist - hence he's impresed.
The shrinks (who Reeves called an 'Autonomic Expert') Professor White, well him and his gang are stating you cannot have CFS if you have Cancer. ?!!!
WPI will tell you CFS (XAND) causes Cancer.
Read this document and see the usual denial CFS is a terrible disease - because their CFS is a mental neurosis, or 'psychoneurotic' as Reeves says.
http://www.bartscfsme.org/Documents...leukemia virus-related virus XMRV and CFS.pdf
I've met these people, been in their ward and been told to my face CFS is 'maintained' by Automatic Negative Thoughts and Fear.
These people will (naturally) want to keep CFS/ME as a mental disorder. It is a mental disorder here in the UK, and according to the CDC also and Reeves.
Once we have XMRV, let CFS be a mental disorder throw it to the dogs. It's nothing to do with us . CFS is an illusional tag, dreamed up in the USA by people
in denial ME (XAND) was destroying and even killing people. Tragically, Americans kept using the words CFS (big mistake) they should have used the words
ME - which even to this day is still classified as a brain disease (ICD-10 G93.3). Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. (ME). Because of your insurance policies though
you were forced to use the words CFS. UK Compromised and invented a tiredness disease. CFS/ME. CFS/ME does not exist outside the UK. (Once cannot forward
slash any disease). It's also prohibited to double code (by using a forward slash) by the WHO - World Health Organisation! But the UK did it anyway.
The German study didn't even look at the same cells as the WPI - what a co-incidence

Hence they did not find what the WPI found.
This sort of thing will go on and on, personally we shouldn't care if a bunch of tired people have XMRV or not. We aren't tired.
Do Asthmatics care if other people with shortness of breath, don't have Asthma? No. Does it matter? No.
Once there' s a diagnostic critera/test for Asthma, even if 1% of people test positive and the others do not, then that's just life.
ME CFS will be the same, only a small amout of people will have it. Biologically and Psychologically there are endless reasons to have 'CFS' that
will have nothing to do with XMRV. Naturally. Hence we need a test, and throw away that ridiculous name, and use XAND.
I can't even clean myself fully when having a bowel motion my muscles are so weak - my ex girlfriend was impressed at that I'm sure - hence the 'ex' in girlfriend.
As far as I know, people with chronic tiredness don't have trouble in that department, but someone with a disease that gives profound muscle weakness - probably would! **Bing**
As well as heart problems, breathing problems, walking problems, vision problems, **Bing Bing Bing** These people need testing for XMRV, obviously.
All Psychiatrists study is tired people. CFS in the UK is, and I quote from the NHS Choices website:
'Long Term Tiredness'. This is CDC CFS.
Or CFS/ME in the UK - what they call a 'Life-style choice'.
Ignore them, ignore the tired people who claim to have your disease, they can test positive all day long for all I care and and go get better on CBT/GE/Pacing/LP/Gupta.
All we're interested in is
IF immune supressed brain damaged people with ME (Ridiculously labelled CFS by the CDC) and those with associated ANS Dysfunction/infllamation/oxidative injury, and if they actually have XMRV. Turns out they will. Becuse when this type of person is selected, we've now got a 95% positive hit ratio.
(64% was the preliminary test, they've improved it).
XMRV with these associated symptoms will make you very sick. You won't be able to have ME (Ridiculously labelled CFS by CDC) without being very sick. If you have a disabled immune system, then you will be sick 24/7 and have a plethora of on-going damage to your body.
Remember I'm not biased. I was still mountainbiking and driving a car when I first got sick. It took me 5 years to end up in a wheelchair. I can remember having 'mild' ME (CFS) yet looking back it never was mild, I was always really sick, and certainly not suffering from chronic tiredness. The Neurological/Autonomic problems came on first of all, and then the cardiac - and then the immune - last.
Years later. That's obviously a progressive disease and a chain of events reported by people all over the world - in exactly the same order.
Either we have pathogens that do this to us, or we are all secretly mentally ill and enjoy wasting our lives pretending to be suffering from a terrible disease.
(Gee let me think).
Hence the WPI choose very sick people, to make sure they are testing the correct patient group. If your heart rate is over 200bpm riding a push cycle, then something's probably very wrong - even if you can still go to college like I could. That's the first year I got sick. When I was racing motorcycles, the lawnmowers, then wheelchairs, and then chocolate biscuits for 'excitement' on the bed.
Less affected people probably won't have XMRV induced neuro/immune disease (XAND). How is that possible?
Even 'mild' ME won't make you less affected. Less affected in CFS speak will mean they don't have CFS.
I've not wasted 20yrs to be worried about a bunch of tired people screaming they don't have XMRV, lets talk about people who do - and lets help these people.
Tired mentally ill people who 'recover' on CBT/GE/Pacing, don't need life saving medications - we do.
The caution is here, because we've been brain washed to worry and obsess over possibility what/if/but/when/ etc etc.
If there was a test for HIV coming out, do you think HIV patients would care about the millions of other people out there with chronic fatigue - who don't have HIV? Of course not!
We need to start doing the same and learn how to do it. Learn not to validate ourselves - we're forced to do this 24/7 because of the disbelief.
Can you imagine my friends how insane psychiatrists sound when they say XMRV cannot be the cause of CFS because not everyone with CFS will have it.
That's like saying not everyone with increased thirst/fatigue - doesn't have raised blood glucose!!!!!!!!!! And so raised blood glucose cannot be a sign of diabetes. LOL.
We think like Psychiatrists, I do it myself all the time. Even if a hospital bed I criticse my own blood tests results and think up endless reasons that it can't be due to ME .
I do it, it's automatic. Self doubt over decades, makes you self doubt yourself.
It's a statisitcal impossibility that EVERYONE with the label CFS will have XMRV, probably about 20% or less of people with CFS will have it, as CFS doesn't mean anything, it's a label, not a diagnosis.
Hence the 25% severely affected. Who knows 1 in 4 people? Who made this statistic? Where are the numbers kept? No census is kept on ME/CFS - it's supposition - yet like sheep, we join in and
say 'ohh yea the 25%' who are badly affected with CFS. LOL. Do we have names on our front doors with an arrow and a little van comes around noting down who is worst? This is all
disinformation from the governments - to make the TRUE people - appear the MINORITY. By nature XMRV is a progressive, it has to be by very nature. You cannot cure a DNA virus ever,
and you cannot back it off with medical treatment. Yet magically, 75% of this patient group (who get no treatment) have magically done this, before medical science worked out how to.
ROTFL!!!! This is what the CDC claims, and all governments around the world, who denied you even 1% research into a diagnostic test.
I've met a handful of people with ME (CFS) who were told they have it, most have recovered - but all through psychological methods, anti-depressants or wearing low cut tops on myspace. (And that's just the men). How odd, because recovery rates are 2-8%. Meaning 92-98% of people with ME..... Never get better. How odd then the people who didn't have it, who were told they did, mostly DID
get better.
These people make up most people with CFS.
My mum's friend was told CFS, she's a teacher - she had a year off, she's better now. Did she have CFS? Of course not. None of the problems we have, not one symptom and she is diagnosed with the spell 'you have CFS' and tells every tom dick and harry she's an ME patient and better through taking anti depressants.
These people the CDC will select. Expect it, and ignore it.
We will have our day, I'm sure 100%.
We will get help, and we will improve to some degree (with medications).
Our lives improves - learn to be selfish the first time in your medical lives - learn to think about
yourself and ignore the people who discredit and doubt you.
You're worth it, you've gotten this far after all these years and amazing journey.