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Probiotic advice

Hey all,

I'm just looking for some recommendations on what probiotic(s) is best to take? I know I should probably be taking something anyway, but my reason for wanting to get some right now is I'm currently on strong antibiotics for a dog bite and so want to get onto something as soon as poss. I'm severe with my M.E. and quite sensitive to most supplements/starting new things. I did have acidophilus sat in my fridge but I've just discovered it's gone off... any recommendations would be great, as I've read some probiotics can make us ME sufferers worse?

Thanks in advance!



Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Hi TaintedLuv, some consensus seems to be moving towards using stabilized forms of Bifido without the strep strain. In my opinion viability is a big issue for all probiotics. There are several threads of late discussing these issues. One way of getting around the viability problem may be to culture your own yoghurt from the probiotics. Not only is it cheaper, but you get greater volumes of bacteria and its a good test of viability - if it doesn't culture up then usually viability of the probiotic is suspect.


Senior Member
Southern California
The probiotic that works the best for me is Dr. Ohhiras professional formula. It's the only one that for me actually seems to do a (temporary) fix -- after doing a course of just one box, I can have a happy stomach for many months...