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Prion Disease After COVID-19: A Case Report


Senior Member


BACKGROUND: Prion disease (PrD) is one of the rapidly progressive dementias. It typically requires several diagnostic criteria to fulfill a probable diagnosis, as definite diagnosis is based on isolated brain biopsy. There has been much debate on a possible infectious etiology of PrD. Viral infections are commonly pathologic in most neurodegenerative conditions. In PrD, misfolded proteins can be contagious and act as infective proteins, regardless of the pathologic agent. There is evidence that COVID-19 can result in neurologic manifestations, and neurodegeneration has been reported in the literature. There are several case reports describing parkinsonism after COVID-19, with Parkinson’s disease in particular noted in COVID-19. Few cases of PrD were reported after COVID-19 infection. We identified 1 case of PrD in the setting of COVID-19 at our hospital.

CASE REPORT: We report the case of a 62-year-old man admitted to Mount Sinai Queens Hospital Center, who presented with rapidly progressive dementia along with difficulty walking and myoclonus. All workup results were negative. He underwent MRI brain, but results were not revealing. Due to the high clinical suspicion, CSF protein 14-3-3 testing was ordered and was positive. Clinically, he experienced worsening neurological function after having been COVID-19-positive on admission. The case fulfilled the probable diagnostic criteria for diagnosing PrD. The patient continued to deteriorate and died due to the rapid progression of his condition.

CONCLUSIONS: Our case demonstrates the potential correlation of COVID with neurodegenerative conditions, especially prion disorders. While such cases are highly likely to be due to COVID-19, there is no definite evidence beyond coincidental findings. Future studies might be required to establish this correlation.


Senior Member
Again Neuroinflammation is the cause.

Neuroinflammation is linked to dementia risk in Parkinson’s disease​


The development of dementia is a devastating aspect of Parkinson’s disease (PD), affecting nearly half of patients within 10 years post-diagnosis. For effective therapies to prevent and slow progression to PD dementia (PDD), the key mechanisms that determine why some people with PD develop early dementia, while others remain cognitively unaffected, need to be understood. Neuroinflammation and tau protein accumulation have been demonstrated in post-mortem PD brains, and in many other neurodegenerative disorders leading to dementia.
However, whether these processes mediate dementia risk early on in the PD disease course is not established. To this end, we used PET neuroimaging with [11C]PK11195 to index neuroinflammation and [18F]AV-1451 for misfolded tau in early PD patients, stratified according to dementia risk in our ‘Neuroinflammation and Tau Accumulation in Parkinson’s Disease Dementia’ (NET-PDD) study. The NET-PDD study longitudinally assesses newly-diagnosed PD patients in two subgroups at low and high dementia risk (stratified based on pentagon copying, semantic fluency, MAPT genotype), with comparison to age- and sex-matched controls.
more at: https://academic.oup.com/brain/advance-article/doi/10.1093/brain/awad322/7284003?rss=1&login=false