Possible diabetes 2

My doctor takes blood work every 3 months and has always said that I was border line for diabetes 2 and when it read 124 He put me on medication but My body rejected it, I broke out in a cold sweat and felt like I was going to faint so he tried another one and the same reaction. My question is, I have frequent urination, dry mouth and thirsty all the time, so I know that I should be on some type of medication for diabetes. Can somebody tell me what is a safe medication for this without alot of side effects and also I want a medication that does not make me gain weight. I would appreciate any info you can give me. Thank you!!!


Senior Member
Can't give advice for medication but I've heard that diet is as much important as the meds. So you maybe should cut down carbs. Also if you can tolerate it, they say that alternate day fasting gives very good results for regulating blood glucose.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
You might see a lot of changes coming down the channels about type 2 diabetes in the near future, especially if it followed what used to be the Metabolic Syndrome X. Slow rise of triglycerides, slow rise of glucose, slow lowering of HDL and/or a couple of other symptoms. While it is treated with typical diabetes drugs along with diet usually control it pretty well. There is debate that once you have type you will always have it no matter how good your numbers are and even if you have been of medication for years. I totally disagree with this one because there are just too many people thar have changed there diet, dropped weight, get regular exercise and do not take medication. These same people at times have passed glucose tolerance test. Eat peice of chocolate cake and never have sugar higher than 175.

Where the big change is coming is that there is possible evidence that this not a disease of the pancreas. The liver is the culprit in true type 2 diabetes. Just keep your eyes open for studies on this new thinking. Might not pan out, but i believe it will. What really got me was that I had a classic case of Metabolic Syndrome and my doctors just said lose 10 pounds and excercise for 5 years, even when triglycerides were in the 300's. The tried statins at 400 and that was a no go, but Triglide (fenofibrate) worked wonders.


Doing Well
What medication are you on? Have you had a glucose tolerance test (fasting, drink glucose & blood tested over several hours)?

I am also borderline based on GTT. I am really suprised you have been prescribed meds, are you also following a diabetic lifestyle i.e diet? (no exercise obviously).

There are several reasons why you could have frequent urination, thirst etc not just diabetes.

Researchers beleive there is also a high incidence of diabetes insipidus among the ME/CFS population
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_insipidus. But this is unrelated to glucose levels.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Thanks August for that info (I have Metabolic Sydrome X) .. diet hasnt been able to fix my high cholestrol. My current low carb diet which was supposed to fix my insulin resistance and help my cholestrol, due to helping the insulin issue but my high cholestrol has gone up even higher on it. (I'd previously tried a low cholestrol diet but that failed to bring it down too).

My question is, I have frequent urination, dry mouth and thirsty all the time
It is likely you could have those symptoms by issues other then just diabetes.. you could have low blood volume so hence issues like POTS or have diabetes insipidus too. These things may also need to be ruled out.

Insulin resistance Ive read is more common in ME too. (Insulin resistance is called pre diabetes by some as it commonly occurs before it and puts one at high risk of diabetes). Ive read that some diabetics have both the insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia) and diabetes at the same time .. not sure how they treat it when both things are happening at once. Hyperinsulinemia can give symptoms too (Im just saying this in case you have both these conditions going on at once.. I dont know what taking insulin for diabetes would do in this case?)

Ive noticed i are sensitive to insulin... having hyperinsulinemia dont give many people symptoms but I get a lot of symptoms from it.. it essaserbates the ME in my case (eg for me higher insulin= more sore throats..it seems to knock my immune system around, more tiredness etc).. I dont know if that is cause I also have MCS so maybe are more sensitive to insulin.

Try to fix your issue with diet if it is at all possible.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
It's not about the cholesterol as much anymore as it is about the carbs. I ate so many nuts the first month I gained 10 pounds cause it just took me awhile to cut the carbs down. There are a few Type 2 forums that are pretty good. As Googsta pointed out and it is a central issue is exercise. If you can't like most of us can't you might have to depend on the meds and low carbs to keep glucose down. I never did see what meds he put you own. The first one is usually Metformin. If your not sure own this go back to your doctor and he should be running some test before just sticking you on meds. If this is a GP doc ask for an endo and I say that for one big reason is that it is capable of getting out of hand real fast and if it goes on too long unchecked perepheral neuropathy could become an issue as well. The H1Ac (or whatever) is considered the number to look at as a goal. Mine was 9.8 3 months ago and last week it was down to 6.5.


Senior Member
. My question is, I have frequent urination, dry mouth and thirsty all the time, so I know that I should be on some type of medication for diabetes.

The title of the thread is "possible diabetes 2", so you might want to insist on getting a firm diagnosis. For starters, it might not even be type II! Adults can get type I, and get it more frequently than children now. And it might not be diabetes mellitus at all ... was it a fasting glucose reading of 126? If it was just a random sample than 126 is quite normal if you've eaten the past few hours.

The thirst and urination could be caused by something else, such as diabetes insipidus or another source of chronic dehydration. For example, with ME we probably break down extra protein as a source of fuel to make energy, and that requires extra water to excrete the by-products.


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it sounds like the med u took increased/stimulated insulin secretion, just a guess though. a med called metformin does help lower blood sugar but not to a level lower then normal, it does this by improving your cells ability to use blood sugars better and also slows down the absorption of food through the GI tract. generally its a safe med that doesnt lower blood sugar lower then normal, it can help some lose weight, help with cholesterol/triglycerides levels. One thing against it is that it can lower b12 levels, but i suppose just supplement with more. Some docs use this in their antiaging protocols too. Some meds are a combo of metformin and an insulin stimulator, maybe see if u can use metformin on its own. Its worth a google and looking more into it.

good luck cheers!!!