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Positive for Echovirus, Results from BioAgilytix (Cambridge Biomedical)

Hello folks,

I just got back the test results for my Echovirus sample that I sent out via Labcorp to BioAgilytix (formerly Cambridge Biomedical) .... Quest was a nightmare but that's another conversation. Echovirus 6, 7, and 30 seems to be culprit. :(

According to Enterovirus Foundation it states that "Titers of 1:160-320 and higher are good indicators of current infection." Now their website only recommends to use ARUP.

However, from discussions in this forum and also from the CFS Roadmap, I read they are a recommended alternative. Should I be concerned or it is fine? Thoughts?

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Senior Member
Yes, Dr Chia calibrated the ARUP lab tests for use in ME/CFS, and as you say, he states that titres of 1:160 to 1:320 or higher are indicators of an active infection.

I would assume a similar threshold can be applied to BioAgilytix (though in theory I believe each lab would need to be calibrated for use with ME/CFS).