Plymouth CFS talk on : The development of ‘body reprogramming’:

Found this on the British Physchological society website, theres a talk in Plymouth and its free on
19/03/2015 - 17:30 - 20:00

Plymouth Hub: The development of ‘body reprogramming’: a theory-based, multi-component educational package for patients with fibromyalgia and ME/CFS - Professor Michael Hyland

Michael E. Hyland is a fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Distinguished International Affiliate of Division 38 of the American Psychological Association, is a chartered health psychologist and is Professor of Health Psychology at Plymouth University. He obtained a BSc at Bristol University in 1971 and a PhD at the University of Wales in 1977.

His early career was as a theoretical psychologist, working on the nature of theoretical entities particularly in relation to mind-body problems.
From the late 1980s he worked as a health psychologist focusing on respiratory disease (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). He has constructed several scales for use in respiratory disease, some for outcome assessment and some for disease management, the latter including the asthma bother profile, the lung information needs questionnaire (LINQ) and the DOSE index. His research in respiratory medicine includes studies on adherence to medication and its relation to outcome.
He has contributed to theoretical development in health psychology, using network theory to explain medically unexplained symptoms and functional disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, a summary of which was published in a book “The origins of health and disease”. This theoretical work has been combined with empirical studies on non-specific aspects of therapy (e.g., placebo effects) and on the effect of dysregulation on asthma exacerbations and with colleagues in the NHS, is being used as the basis for Body reprogramming, a novel treatment programme for people with fibromyalgia.

This is a free event and open to everyone including BPS members, students and the General Public, but you must register to attend.

This event is being financially supported by the Society’s South West of England Branch, who has invested in the event.

How to book
To register your place, please book online via the link below

Further information
Talk will be 6.15pm - 7.15pm

The Treasury, Catherine Street, Royal Parade, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2AD

Please note a change of location

19/03/2015 - 17:30 - 20:00
Contact Information:
If you have any queries, please email . Please start the email subject line with the phrase ‘South West body reprogramming March 2015’.

BPS South West of England Branch
  • End

Professor Hyland made a comment on the bps website back in 2012

Professor Michael Hyland, a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, comments:

"The PACE trial is a well-conducted study which has provided evidence, contrary to the assertion of patient groups, that adaptive pacing does not lead to benefit whereas cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy do.

"Nevertheless, even with the best designed studies there are several possible interpretations of the data. Adaptive pacing involved “living within physical and mental limitations imposed by the illness” as well as avoiding overexercising. In the CBT and graded exercise therapy treatment arms, patients were advised to avoid over-exercising, but, additionally, these therapies suggested procedures that the patient could perform into to achieve a gradual improvement in health.

"So although all treatment arms of this study recommended avoidance of over-activity (i.e. an element of pacing), they also differed in the amount of effort invested by the patient during treatment.

"My own research shows that the greatest non-specific predictor of therapeutic outcome is effort invested by the patient in the therapy. An important non-specific difference, therefore, between the treatment arms in this study is the extent to which the treatments provide hope and an effort-related plan of action for achieving recovery. We cannot tell whether it is the non-specific factors of hope and effort or the specific components of CBT and graded exercise therapy that are important for outcome. Perhaps the safest conclusion from this study is that therapy works – but just why therapy works remains as controversial for chronic fatigue syndrome as it is always has been for other conditions - see Wampold's The Great Psychotherapy Debate."
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Senior Member
Sth Australia
My own research shows that the greatest non-specific predictor of therapeutic outcome is effort invested by the patient in the therapy

In other words he blames in his patients and tells them they aren't trying enough when his therapy fails. I wish people were well enough to go and protest at his talk over how these therapies do not help ME patients and its a "real" illness. Obviously he is yet to understand its a post exertional illness and has many more symptoms then just "fatigue".


Senior Member
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Senior Member
How do one evaluate "the effort invested by the patient in the therapy"?

I am perplexed... What's the aim of putting such a claim as an headline?

The body adapts to challenging lifestyles, but sometimes this adaptation goes wrong. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) and fibromyalgia are examples of how this adaptation can create serious illness.
Recovery can be slow and difficult,
but is always possible.
They're very sure of themselves, aren't they. You might think they'd want to back that up with something.

Or maybe not.


Senior Member
Thank you.

I've previously read some of Hylands placebo research, and thought it sounded like he was confusing the factors most likely to lead to patients reporting improvements in health with the factors most likely to lead to real improvements in health.


Senior Member
Nice acronym!

It looks like Hyland belongs to a hardcore fringe of the BPS school, as if it wasn't hardcore enough already.
Body reprogramming, eh? Are they sure they don't mean mind reprogramming? Fundamentally I think they do.

The true rationale behind this egregious attempt to blame patients for their ongoing suffering is plainly stated in the opening words of the Br. Psych. Soc.'s own inarticulate apologia:

"Behavioural therapies can help to successfully treat chronic fatigue syndrome, new research has suggested...the
study revealed these treatments, as well as exercise, are among the most cost-effective ways to combat the condition, which is commonly referred to as ME...It was demonstrated that no other treatments for the condition - symptoms of which include tiredness, poor memory and a lack of concentration - proved as successful and cost-effective as behavioural and exercise therapies."

The word "and" is telling. It reveals what is truly important to health providers.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Sigh. Where do we get off this merry-go-round? Anyone claiming the PACE trial was a well conducted study instantly loses credibility with me. Did they fail to read the study, or do they lack the training to properly evaluate it, or are they so biased they cannot see the problems?

I wouldn't pay a bent halfpenny to see this guy, not even with free transport and a free lunch. Unless, of course, I was there to ask pointed questions.


Senior Member
If its free why do i have to give an email address to get it? I'll pass on this thank you very much.


Senior Member
Its a website owned by Plymouth university. I find it disturbing that they are trying to get legitimacy by placing an NHS logo on their website


Senior Member
Psychologists use sick people with FM, ME/CFS/SEID to project there grazy subjective ideas created there sick minds.


Senior Member

"The body adapts to challenging lifestyles, but sometimes this adaptation goes wrong. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) and fibromyalgia are examples of how this adaptation can create serious illness."

This is stated as fact when it is merely a point of view and what's more a point of view which is invalidated by the scientific evidence.

To promote a treatment whilst not keeping abreast of scientific knowledge would seem to be in contravention of the British Psychological Society code of ethics, similarly to practice out with the boundaries of area of competence:

The BPS website states the following: files/bps_code_of_ethics_2009.pdf

p16 2.3

Standard of recognising limits of competence

Psychologists should:

(i) Practice within the boundaries of their competence.
(ii) Engage in Continued Professional Development.
(iii) Remain abreast of scientific, ethical, and legal innovations
germane to their professional activities, with further
sensitivity to ongoing developments in the broader social,
political and organisational contexts in which they work.
(iv) Seek consultation and supervision when indicated,
particularly as circumstances begin to challenge their
scientific or professional expertise.
(v) Engage in additional areas of professional activity only after
obtaining the knowledge, skill, training, education, and
experience necessary for competent functioning
(vi) Remain aware of and acknowledge the limits of their
methods, as well as the limits of the conclusions that may
be derived from such methods under different
circumstances and for different purposes.
(vii) Strive to ensure that those working under their direct
supervision also comply with each of the requirements of
this standard and that they are not required to work
beyond the limits of their competence.