Plant Extract Honokiol - For Inflammatory Brain Damage ?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I found this article to be very interesting. -- Sounds like it could be a promising therapy for pw/CFS with brain inflammation symptoms. Definition of Honokiol: A plant extract derived from the bark of the Magnolia tree, which apparently has been used for thousands of years in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine.

Japanese Traditional Therapy, Honokiol, Blocks Key Protein in Inflammatory Brain Damage, Study Suggests
Mar. 16, 2012 — Microglia are the first line defence of the brain and are constantly looking for infections to fight off. Overactive microglia can cause uncontrolled inflammation within the brain, which can in turn lead to neuronal damage. New research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Journal of Neuroinflammation shows that, honokiol (HNK) is able to down-regulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory enzymes in activated microglia via Klf4, a protein known to regulate DNA.

Scientists from the National Brain Research Centre, Manesar, India, used lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a molecule present on the surface of bacteria, to stimulate an immune response from microglia cells. LPS mimics the effect of a bacterial infection and the microglia cells spring into action, releasing proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNFa.

Activation of microglia also stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO) and Cox-2, which co-ordinate the immune response, leading to inflammation. However uncontrolled inflammation can lead to neuronal death and permanent brain damage. Microglial inflammation is also observed in several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

The team led by Dr Anirban Basu found that the inflammatory response was mediated by Klf4, a ‘transcription’ factor which binds directly to DNA to enhance or impede gene expression. Treating microglia with HNK reduced their activation and HNK treated cells secreted less cytokines in response to LPS. HNK also down regulated the activity of Klf4 (and pNF-kb - another regulator of inflammation).

Dr Basu suggested that HNK down regulates Klf4 which in turn down regulates NO and Cox-2 production. He said, “HNK can easily move across the blood brain barrier and we found that HNK reduced levels of pNF-kb and Klf4 as well as the number of activated microglia in the brains of LPS treated mice.”

He continued, “Our work with HNK has found that Klf4 is an important regulator of inflammation. Both HNK and Klf4 may be important not only in regulating inflammation due to infection, but may also have applications in other diseases which affect the brain and nervous system.”
Hi Wayne, can you explain why you think this could explain why more women have autoimmune issues? I saw this on the protozoa thread and someone on my pots forum also made the arguement on why women are 4x as likely to be affected if protozoa has anything to do with chronic illness.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi Wayne, can you explain why you think this could explain why more women have autoimmune issues? I saw this on the protozoa thread and someone on my pots forum also made the arguement on why women are 4x as likely to be affected if protozoa has anything to do with chronic illness.

Hi Angela,

Boy, I really couldn't say. I read a theory once that women tend to get Fibromyalgia and develop other autoimmune issues because they take many prescriptions that contain fluoride (which men don't take). Some people are super anti-fluoride, and they believe it explains a lot of the ME/CFS, FM and other women predominant illnesses that are so common these days. --- All just theoretical I guess.


Senior Member
New Mexico, USA
When I was watching those videos from Dr. Klimas' conference in January, the one by Dr. Fletcher and ..sorry can't remember the gentleman's name from Canada...but he did a brilliant job of showing how the male and female immune systems are so hugely different. He broke it down to a basic electrical engineering circuit diagram and said that all the info for the male immune system could be captured in that one diagram.

However, the female immune system he said would take that one circuit diagram plus 3 more copies of it, in order to be able to represent all the info contained in the female immune system. He said this was logical because pregnancy is not just a hormonal event, but also a major immune suppression event as well.

Makes you wonder if females are more prone to auto immune diseases in part because the system is that much more complicated so there are that many more points along the path for things to break down?


West Australia
I found this article to be very interesting. -- Sounds like it could be a promising therapy for pw/CFS with brain inflammation symptoms. Definition of Honokiol: A plant extract derived from the bark of the Magnolia tree, which apparently has been used for thousands of years in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine.

Japanese Traditional Therapy, Honokiol, Blocks Key Protein in Inflammatory Brain Damage, Study Suggests

Hi Wayne

Almost a year later ...I've seen your post.

Honokiol sounds tailor made for me/cfs. Analgesic, antidepressant, antithrombotic (i don't know if that makes it anticoagulant), neurotropic. Should downgrade microglial activation through suppressing NF-kB and TNF.

Anyone out there tried it ?


Senior Member
i think i'm going to give this a try. i have read that honokiol is a ppar gamma agonist and can suppress TNF / cytokine production. i am struggling w/ mold detox reactions so ... shoemaker prescribes actos or high dose fish oil for this but i am reluctant to take such high doses of fish oil (like 9 capsules a day) due to fatty acid imbalance which i guess only develops over time
Also activates LKB1-AMPK axis in various cell types. In line with Julia Newton's findings of AMPK response failure (no phosphorylated AMPK (in skeletal muscle culture post stimulation, would be interesting if anyone has tried high dose Honokiol to see if this deficit is rectifiable provided there is not relative absence of LKB1 or impaired protein kinase integrity in ME patient muscle/neurons as is the case in some tumours.

"HepG2 cells were treated with honokiol to examine whether 270 this compound activates LKB1, an upstream regulator of AMPK phos- 271 phorylation. The level of total LKB1 protein was not changed 272 with honokiol treatment, but phosphorylated LKB1 was dramatically increased 10–120 min after the addition of 100 μM honokiol 275 (Fig. 5A). In addition, honokiol increased the level of phosphorylated 276 LKB1 in a concentration-dependent manner"

Paper here: