Pip UK disabilty ...just got awarded


Senior Member
Hi just wanted to share the good news I got awarded pip enhanced rate for both daily living and mobilty ..
This was following a telephone review .
Also got backdated .
I feel incredibly grateful .
Happy to share my experience / evidence I sent in if it will help anyone


Senior Member
congratulations! you must feel so relieved. how long was the process for you from start to finish? i am in US but I am curious about UK.

what evidence do you feel helped your case?
Hi turtle
Thanks v much yes it was so good to receive the news I had to keep reading the letters to check my brain fog wasn't fooling me 🤣
Relieved and v grateful that I can go ahead and pay for treatments to see if I can improve / get well .
I received the forms Xmas Eve - merry Christmas ! And they gave me I think 2/3 wks to complete ...what ! I asked for extension which made it more manageable so submitted towards end Jan 21. I think it was 10 wks and then I got the review date. For end May. I'd been advised by a support forum that I could ask for the review to be recorded ( in case needed evidence in future ) and so asked for that which gave me a review date of telephone assessment June . I also learnt from the forum I could ask for breaks and so did this twice during the 11/4 HR assessment .

Evidence I submitted was a lengthy hospital report from the CFS service I'm under in my city which detailed a lot and how affected I am. This was written by a physio .
A letter by my CFS counsellor ( who I pay for ) .
Letters from a homehelp I pay for and what she does for me .
Letters from a volunteer who shops for extra things if I need .
2 letters from friends who go to the shops / pick up meds etc .
Medication prescription details .
Primary care doctors notes .
A log of my typical day showing how CFS affects my daily living and some dates to show the continuity of that .

Also the actual filling out of the form I did with a support agency which is a charity and they then sent everything off for me ..
Proof also that someone else did the form filling on my behalf ..


Senior Member
Hi just wanted to share the good news I got awarded pip enhanced rate for both daily living and mobilty ..
This was following a telephone review .
Also got backdated .
I feel incredibly grateful .
Happy to share my experience / evidence I sent in if it will help anyone

Good for you @Emmarose47. It's nice that you were able to do it by phone. Great news! Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
How would describe the severity of your ME/CFS, @Emmarose47, on the ME/CFS scale of: mild, moderate and severe?

I am just wondering if there is a cut-off severity, above which they will not give PIP.

Mild ME/CFS means that patients are able to work part or full time, although with difficulty. Moderate means you are mostly housebound and unable to work. Severe means you are bedbound or couch-bound for most of the day and night.

Congrats in getting PIP, anyway!

Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Can I ask whether you were advised to request your assessment to be recorded before or after you received the latter with the date in May?

I submitted my forms a few months ago and am waiting for an assessment date.



Senior Member
How would describe the severity of your ME/CFS, @Emmarose47, on the ME/CFS scale of: mild, moderate and severe?

I am just wondering if there is a cut-off severity, above which they will not give PIP.

Mild ME/CFS means that patients are able to work part or full time, although with difficulty. Moderate means you are mostly housebound and unable to work. Severe means you are bedbound or couch-bound for most of the day and night.

Congrats in getting PIP, anyway!
Hi hip
I'm severe about 75% of the time ..
Cut off re severity ? Not that I'm aware of to my understanding its based on how your daily living skills affect your life ...


Senior Member

Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Can I ask whether you were advised to request your assessment to be recorded before or after you received the latter with the date in May?

I submitted my forms a few months ago and am waiting for an assessment date.

Hi dons ...
I requested recorded after I got the date but that was only because I didn't know about it until then ..
Could be a good idea to contact them and let them know that's what u would like so it doesn't then use your 1 chance to change before it needs to go through the waiting period again ..