congratulations! you must feel so relieved. how long was the process for you from start to finish? i am in US but I am curious about UK.
what evidence do you feel helped your case?
Hi turtle
Thanks v much yes it was so good to receive the news I had to keep reading the letters to check my brain fog wasn't fooling me

Relieved and v grateful that I can go ahead and pay for treatments to see if I can improve / get well .
I received the forms Xmas Eve - merry Christmas ! And they gave me I think 2/3 wks to complete ...what ! I asked for extension which made it more manageable so submitted towards end Jan 21. I think it was 10 wks and then I got the review date. For end May. I'd been advised by a support forum that I could ask for the review to be recorded ( in case needed evidence in future ) and so asked for that which gave me a review date of telephone assessment June . I also learnt from the forum I could ask for breaks and so did this twice during the 11/4 HR assessment .
Evidence I submitted was a lengthy hospital report from the CFS service I'm under in my city which detailed a lot and how affected I am. This was written by a physio .
A letter by my CFS counsellor ( who I pay for ) .
Letters from a homehelp I pay for and what she does for me .
Letters from a volunteer who shops for extra things if I need .
2 letters from friends who go to the shops / pick up meds etc .
Medication prescription details .
Primary care doctors notes .
A log of my typical day showing how CFS affects my daily living and some dates to show the continuity of that .
Also the actual filling out of the form I did with a support agency which is a charity and they then sent everything off for me ..
Proof also that someone else did the form filling on my behalf ..