CAB advisors are variable - some are great, well trained, do a good job. Other, not so much. The CAB funding was decimated, hence the shortage of trained, paid staff. Welfare Rights people, the same thing applies. Check out what help there is in your area with this link: Put your big town in the box if the postcode search still isn't working. If you do get someone else to do your form for you, give them a photocopy. That way if they make a total mess of it you've still got a chance to get it right.
The PIP review form asks are you ... better... the same.... worse. Don't let the form lull you into a false sense of security - it's not enough just to tick the boxes. You need to explain what the problems are and why you have them, eg
"Because of the weakness, dizzyness and pain caused by my ME I am not safe in the kitchen. I have dropped pans of hot water over my legs, I have cut myself and burnt pans. Due to this I am not allowed to cook any more, and my friend/partner/daughter does all the cooking now"
Include evidence with your form - whatever they say, include a couple of things from the previous claim and one or two new things such as
*Doctor's letter
*Patient Summary print out from the GP surgery - usually free
*Specialist letters - from their secretary or in your GP notes file. Ask specialists to copy you in to their reports to your GP
*Prescription list - will also be in your patient summary
*Occupational Therapist report or letter
*Social Care report or letter
*Photos of you in trouble and adaptations you've had to make to cope,
*Letters from people who know how your conditions affect you - family, friends, carers <<< very valuable <<<
*A diary of a week, or just a day in your life, showing how your illness stops you living normally <<<also great <<<
Diary link:
*A list of your symptoms - refer to symptom lists of your illness/es
*Proof you do internet shopping - keep the receipts
*Receipt from the Chemist for home delivery
*A timeline of your illnesses, work, and benefit claims.
If you can write your long answers on a computer (name and NI number on the top of each page) you can print these out and attach them to the form.
Benefits and Work guides are great, membership costs <£20 a year (they regularly discount membership), and is worth every penny. Use their guides and you won't go far wrong.