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Partial Digeorge syndrome


Senior Member
I think this maybe what I have,it can effect the thymus and t cells,I hope it is the answer I was looking for,I've had an immune workup for lupus,and it wasn't that,I'm not sure what tests would show problems here or if anything could be done for it,any recommendations,thanks


Senior Member
From what I'm reading this is usually present at birth. Here's a link but I'm not sure if I'm reading it correctly. I had a link with better information but now I can't find it.

I would discuss this with your doctor. Not only would it be would be impossible to diagnose from one post but it's against the rules and for good reasons. None of us are doctors and if someone misdiagnosed you it could be harmful..

Good luck!

ETA Apologies if I came across as rather presumptuous, I thought you were a new member. I knew your avatar looked familiar! Facepalm!
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