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Oxidative Stress is a shared characteristic of ME/CFS and Long COVID (Shankar 2024)

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
This paper is a preprint and has not been peer reviewed:
Oxidative Stress is a shared characteristic of ME/CFS and Long COVID

This paper is a bit too complex and technical for me to completely understand but I've tried to tease out some highlights:
  • Elevated oxidative stress in T cells in ME/CFS suggests a deficient adaptive immune response, upon stimulation.
  • Authors found decreased ATP production in T and B cells in ME/CFS and Long COVID patients.
  • Further differences in T cells were uncovered when patients were stratified by sex: female patients had hyperproliferation of T cells while male patients had increased lipid oxidative damage.
  • Metformin is proposed as a treatment for T cell hyperproliferation in female patients.
"Lymphocyte dysfunction, driven by oxidative and mitochondrial damage, acts as an energy sink" in ME/CFS and Long COVID.

See Also: Metformin and Autoimmunity: A New Deal on an Old Drug
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