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'Outlawing of intellectual opposition' in uk

Jonathan Edwards

Interesting. Fortunately we have Phoenix Rising to provide intellectual opposition to almost anything.

The proposed law might actually be a reflection of a positive change, even if it is in itself negative. In the old days conformity was maintained by unwritten agreement between those who had been admitted to the no-boat-rocking-club. If you were not in the club and rocked you simply lost your job. The fact that they think a law is needed to maintain the situation suggests that the club may be in some difficulty. On the other hand, they may be wrong about that.


Senior Member
Fortunately we have Phoenix Rising to provide intellectual opposition to almost anything.
LOL! :thumbsup:

The fact that they think a law is needed to maintain the situation suggests that the club may be in some difficulty.
I think the club is in difficulty everywhere, despite their water-carriers and tongue-bathers in the mainstream media doing their best to convince us otherwise. The club will not fall into obsolescence willingly or quietly, however.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
One step at a time towards out right tyranny and industrial genocide....

People really don't get how damn delicate is the balance in our societies in US/UK and the other "Anglophone" countries, and how these ****suckers have been chipping away at the supports for last few decades.

At same time enormous catastrophic synergies are brewing from our asinine greed and ruthless exploitation and destruction of our world and refusing to admit problems and deal with them
