I had an upper GI attack a couple of years back. I was up all night with burn and pain, drinking Gavscon and eating tums. Later in the night I did toe touches and squats. It diminished to the point I got to sleep for a few hours.
I knew (hoped,) it wasn't a heart attack - had stents implanted a few years earlier and tried to stay on top of every hiccu heart could make,). I ruled out gallbladder attack, having run that treadmill earlier - similar pain
but more of a 'floor crash' (before midnight), with chills and fever being key - real serious feeling!
I was concerned but I knew it was GI related, so I assumed I wasn't going to die (right away - no emergency room runaround - yet; but it was a painful, miserable ordeal, with little sleep...basically over the next day.
When I got up I read the symptoms which best fit, and concluded it was Esophageal Spasm. At next appointment I discussed it with my then doc, an Integrative MD, and she agreed. She said it was caused from normal stuff backing up in my GI tract at 3 key valves: esophageal, duodenal and illeus (refer: anatomy chart).
Most importantly, she took my hand and showed me how to push the stuff so as to move it along, relieving the back up (cause) should it recur. I thought this generous on her part - in the spirit of teaching one how to fish vs giving one a fish. (This was a good, caring doc, hard to find, IMO).
From then to present day I added GI supplements: probiotics, carraway seed extract, asparagus extract, zinc,
and different digesting enzymes, along with 10G Omega 3's. No recurrence to date but you can bet I push around those valve areas when I feel bloated!
FWIW, the gallbladder stones, diagnosd and visible on x-rays dissolved on their own over the course of the next year! Prior to recommended surgery by a GP I doubled checked with my good surgeon to re-test, and sure enough - gone, saving me a painful, long recovery procdure... . Go figure???