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NYT article about three main types of gut ecosystems

sensing progress

Senior Member
Tucson, AZ
yes, this was extremely interesting! I can't help but think that this will lead to medical breakthroughs eventually down the road. the analogy they used was that blood typing allowed for better medical interventions with blood transfusions (matching blood types). perhaps something similar will come of this.


Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
Yes I thought this was so interesting and if substantiated could mean that some of the current treatment for lowering Prevotella (aka KDM) may be considered obsolete.

I'd love to read the full text article from Nature online but it's about $34 to buy. Does anyone have it?


Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
Last week I was prescribed Paromomycin for raised intestinal bacteria (Eubacterium, Prevotella and Porphyromonas) which I haven't started yet. However since reading this abstract and review, I am wondering whether I may fit the low Bacteroides/high Prevotella group as my Bacteroides were also almost non-existant.

I would hate to start an antibiotic to correct something which was a 'normal' subgroup occurrence. I am making enquiries and proceeding with caution on this!