Nutrigenomics Doctor (for methylation cycle/I have lyme too)

Hello everybody,

sorry for my poor English but I m french.. and I don't speak very well English ^^
I have health problems since 3 years which imped me to work, do sport or have a normal 30 years old life..
I have discovered recently that I have borreliosis and some 10 virus too.
I'm actually treated for that in Germany ( since 2 month) in a special borreliosis clinic.
A friend of mine talked to me about genetics, and show me 23andme analyse.
I did it, so I have my methylation cycle and my detox profile.
Reading on internet, I have discovered Dr Yasko book and the website of Dr Roberts too.
But as I'm not a Dr and as the programm they give is too much general, I need the help of a Doctor.

I think that ilness needs many way of therapy.
An "antiobiotics" way for lyme and virus, but we must do somethings on the genetics way too.
It is neccessary to equilibrate the body when something has disturbed him..

So, I would like to know if someone could tell me a good Dr for that (someone who works like Dr Yasko for exemple). I have heard of Nancy Mullan, but I have read some contradictory opinions.

I have found a list of MTHFR doctors, but when I go on their websibes, some of them don't talk about genetics, and the others are "unknown" when I look on the web.

So I don't know who I can choise.

I need this because Im so tired to bad and to have an anormal life..
I would like to work, to do sport, to have a drink with frien, to eat normally ( lot of intolérances and allergies now) ..etc ...

Thank you very much for your help :)

Thank you very much for your answer !

So if I understand, I must download your 2 links.

But I can open it..

I'm sorry but my computer do not recognize them.. :/


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I found my doctor buy googling my city and then integrative doctor or methylation. Whatever you call it there. Try all sorts of options and you'll get different names. Then you can look for reviews about them.
I'm looking every doctor of a list of MTHFR practitioner, and their are 50/60, and I go to see their websites or forum, but it's difficult to choose one..
In Europe, we don't have Dr like this, that's why i'm asking here to have opinion of people ;)


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I understand it's hard to choose. I emailed mine first and asked her if she could help. I went with her and am glad I did.

I understand you want people's input, but you may also want to find someone on your own and see what people think. My doctor is a Naturopath who knows methylation, viruses and the immune system.

There might be someone in your area you may not now of. That's all I'm saying.
Aaaaaah no...
I'm on a french forum where they know about genetics, lyme, and alternative médecines, and they don't know..
I was talking with one of them last week, and she chooses one (in the USA) (700€) and she's not completely satisfied..
That's why I preferr asking before because my german treatment for lyme is very expensive, and I don't want to "make a mistake" :)

Can you tell me in a private message who is your Dr please ??