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Norwiegan XMRV VIPDx Study Finds XMRV in 62% of CFS patients


Phoenix Rising Founder
Much of the research world the WPI wants to convince won't be convinced by this because the tests were done at VIPDx but, again, look at the pretty good consistency of the positive results - 64% - almost right on the WPI's original figure and then when you add in the serology results 70-something percent. That's an amazing coincidence for a contaminant!

Dr. Mette Johnsgaard of The Lillestrom Health Clinic tested 24 patients and 3 healthy controls for XMRV using the culture test and found that 14 were positive. Of the negative tests, 11 were then retested with serology tests and 5 more positive results were found, bringing the total to 19 of 27. One of the positive serology samples was from a healthy control.

The Lillestrom Health Clinic has now tested 80 patients and 50 are positive by either culture or serology test – a total of 62%. This is very close to the 67% of positive patient results reported by Mikovits, Lombardi, et al., in Science in Oct. 2009.
The tests were done in cooperation with VIPdx labs in the USA.

More information about these results will be given on the 28th of November in Oslo at the XMRV/MLV seminar with Dr. Judy Mikovits. Details of the seminar can been seen here: http://esme-eu.com/xmrv-mlv-seminar-oslo/category203.html Register by writing to: post@esme-eu.com

The Lillestrom Health Clinic is currently cooperating with many international ME experts in order to share knowledge about testing, treatment and research. Dr. Johnsgaard is also cooperating with international experts who specialize in infectious diseases (Borna virus), retrovirology and biotoxic illnesses (Shoemaker), a probable secondary phenomenon in ME.

In November 2010, the clinic will launch a large international research project on Human Gammaretrovirus and ME.
In Aug. 2010, Dr. Johnsgaard was interviewed by NRK (Norwegian National Broadcasting) where she confirmed the two first positive XMRV patients in Norway. With that interview Dr. Johnsgaard opened the public debate about ME and XMRV in the Norwegian medical and political environment. The same day, Norwegian politicians and doctors reacted positively in a follow-up interview on NRK (see links below)

Virusfunn gir nytt hp for ME-pasienter: http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/norge/1.7257026
Another link with health minister Laila Dvy - Regjeringen br gjre mer for ME-pasienter : http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/norge/1.7259180
Lillestrom Helseklinikken is situated just outside of Oslo, Norway and specializes in the treatment of ME and other chronic diseases. They have recently begun treating patients from outside of Scandinavia.

Kind regards,

The European Society for ME is a non-profit group, operated entirely by volunteers. You can support ESME with a donation by visiting: http://esme-eu.com/home/donate-article427-6.html
Your donation will go directly to our goals of educating doctors and helping scientists to solve the puzzle of ME/CFS: www.esme-eu.com.



Senior Member
near Antwerp
I love posts like this. Although I realize how frustrating this is for Judy, the WPI and all the sufferers world-wide. The fact remains that she stirred things up. Patints are becoming more demanding, not only in the U.S. but everywhere. You can feel the buzz over here in Belgium and Holland. Posts and studies like this keep the fire burning, as you know what I mean.:Sign giggle:




Senior Member
Good stuff. I needed that after the medieval stuff that's come of out of the UK this week - and yes, that's some coincidence :)


Senior Member
Many thanks for posting Cort. It's been a long hard battle (old friend involved) for them to reach this stage whilst we in the UK remain in the doldrums. And they had the wisdom to select the real experts along the way no mumbo jumbo mind stuff accepted. I think the positive interference of the Psychiatrics has set us back decades in the UK. We battle on.


iherb code TAK122
'The same day, Norwegian politicians and doctors reacted positively in a follow-up interview on NRK'

Bit like the UK eh:rolleyes: So glad its happening for other countries, yes the negative rushed UK study definitely had the desired effect to give all the politicians, NICE etc something to refer to when supporting their decisions not to do any more for us. Wessley is one hell of a slimy **** who's enabled them to keep the lid shut on us for a bit longer. But the truth will emerge eventually, they can't ignore the rest of the world forever.


Senior Member
Yes they took on the Politicians Government and Doctors (re-education) and one hopes very soon the bubble will burst on those here who have mislead us all for so long. Lets set the "vikings" on them (apologies to E) - much more capable.


Senior Member
One of only three healthy controls were positive?

In the debate about contamination vs true association, I don't see this moving the argument significantly either way. More healthy controls would have been great.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
One of only three healthy controls were positive?

In the debate about contamination vs true association, I don't see this moving the argument significantly either way. More healthy controls would have been great.

Yes, how hard can it have been to find 20 healthy controls for eg?! There's a whole world out there (so I've been told). Great results with the positives though & v encouraging response.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I'm glad to read about this too, thanks Norway... Yes, it's a pity they did not do the testing themselves. But chances are, that then it would have been yet another negative study, so it's still better like this.
And they will continue their work with CFS, so it's a new channel that has opened up for us, which is good. Are there any studies where the testing was done by VIP Dx and there was a sufficient number of healthy controls? DeMeirleir, Cheney, others?


A shadow of my former self
I think I have Contamination Fatigue Syndrome :In bed::rolleyes:

Can't wait for the BWG results to put this all to rest. Sometimes I feel like taking a sabbatical from reading about XMRV studies until then, but I keep thinking "Tomorrow I'll hear/read something interesting. It's addictive.


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
I think I have Contamination Fatigue Syndrome :In bed::rolleyes:

Can't wait for the BWG results to put this all to rest. Sometimes I feel like taking a sabbatical from reading about XMRV studies until then, but I keep thinking "Tomorrow I'll hear/read something interesting. It's addictive.

Hey Illsince1977 do you know when the results from the "Contamination Study" will be done??? Is that the one that's supposed to be available in Novemeber or is that one of the ones they will be reporting on at the April confrence????


Senior Member
I guess that there are so few controls as this is not a research project or a study? The Norwegian clinic has been sending blood samples from paying clients to VIP dx and they are reporting the findings. The controls may even have been staff members to test the process. Breakspear Hospital did similar things through Biolab in the UK to VIP dx when they were testing.

All good news and we should hear more at the conference.


Senior Member
I guess that there are so few controls as this is not a research project or a study? The Norwegian clinic has been sending blood samples from paying clients to VIP dx and they are reporting the findings. The controls may even have been staff members to test the process.

That's what I'd assume too.

One thing that worries me a bit is that every time we've had results from when an outside source has blinded supposedly healthy controls the WPI has found more positive for XMRV than should be the case. These result, the very early blood working group results, the samples from the Norwegian negative study... weren't they all 1/3? 3/9 total? Still a small number of samples, but a surprisingly high number of positives considering the Science paper reported 4% positive.


Senior Member
We don't always know where they get their controls from Esther and that's why I'm not too worried about what the WPI finds in relation to the background rate.

It's like the earlier dutch research where patients were asked to bring their own controls and took family members / neighbours. I've been involved with ME research as a patient and not been happy with their lack of care over controls.

Obviously I would always like more info on where the controls came from and we don't alway get that. In this Norwegian case I don't think it is a formal study, just a report of results from their patients.


Senior Member
It's like the earlier dutch research where patients were asked to bring their own controls and took family members / neighbours.

That's true.

LOL at me trying to analyse the results of nine control subjects. It shows how starved of data I feel.