Noopept, another racetam/nootropic


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have been trying this every second or third day of late, just 10mg with some dmae which is a cholinergic supplement. The choline supps are suppose to be helpful when taking racetam nootropics.
So far it does seem to help me wake up better and concentrate better throught the day. Prior to this aniracetam was my favourite, did get some good results from pramiracetam, not piracetam, but it didnt pan out in the long run.

It might be a worth while supp to use on days when u have something on and need to function either work or ending of working week, or even just a doctors appointment. Said to have neuroprotective effects and can improve memory, something we all need.
Im sure u will find studies online too.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Interesting, Heaps. I hadn't heard of Noopept.

I started another nootropic recently, Uridine. It's supposed to even out the effects of choline supplements.

For me, it's a good sleep aid. I know you're supposed to take it at the same time as supps such as Lecithin, DHA, and Alpha GPC, but I have to take those in the morning. The Uridine makes me really sleepy, so I take it before bedtime.

I told my nutritionist that I've noticed a little short-term memory loss over the past 6 months or so, which is worrying since I have Alzheimer's in my family. He suggested looking into DMAE, so it's encouraging that you do well with it.

Since many supps interfere with my sleep, I ordered a liquid so I can easily control the dosage. I should get it in a week or so. This one is supposed to taste truly godawful, though: liquids&rc=33&sr=null&ic=3

Another supp for cognition my nutritionist suggested is Longvida. I just started taking it, but got off to a rough start. I find it extremely sedating, an effect I haven't read of elsewhere. I wonder the sedation is caused by reduction of inflammation in the brain.

On the topic of nootropics, I don't understand why sites such as Amazon and iHerb have very few for sale. I rarely see them sold in our local stores, either.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Thanks, @minkeygirl. I have ordered a few online, but still don't understand why major places like AZ and iHerb don't carry most of them. I'm curious.

My nutritionist thinks this company has good nootropics. I've only used one of their products, but was really happy with it.

Maybe a grey area with racetams being supps and meds I think??


Prior to this aniracetam was my favourite
I'm wondering why it was (past tense) your favorite. I'm considering a trial for it's anxiolytic effects along with it's contribution to the cholinergic system (hoping it might help with POTS?)

I've a few questions:

What did you notice on aniracetam, and why did you switch?
How long does it take to notice any effects?
What was your dosage of the different nootropics? Low and slow?

Thanks heaps!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
All nootropics so far I have found helpful initially but effects wear off with time and become hit and miss. I find the cholinergic supps on there own seem quite good for energy and not so hit and miss as nootropics racetams.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I was just looking at citocoline and uridine and didn't know they were nootrops. Has any one tried them? There's a one thread here which is where I found the info.

I have serious brain fog so I like the idea but a lot of stuff makes me speedy as a side effect so not sure.


Senior Member
I have taken both (as well as Alpha GPC), but this was before I was ill so that may not be helpful.

I prefer Alpha GPC over CDP choline (citicoline) and have recently started taking it again. I can't say it has improved brain fog, and a lot of people seem to find that choline in general worsens brain fog.

What I have found is that Alpha GPC has noticeably improved my sleep quality. It turns out acetylcholine is important for REM sleep and Alpha GPC increases acetylcholine levels in the brain.

I never noticed much from uridine (UMP). Be aware that there is some evidence that uridine can cause DNA strand breaks in folate deficient cells and could potentially be carcinogenic. I believe this was only found in vitro so it may not be anything to worry about, especially if you're supplementing with folate at the same time.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
You are talking way over my head but I get the gist of what you are saying.

I was interested in the comments that it seriously reduced brain fog although it increased it in others. One of those try and see.

I'm pretty far gone myself so I doubt anything OTC would help me but you never know. I'm just figuring out my next step.


Senior Member
I was interested in the comments that it seriously reduced brain fog although it increased it in others. One of those try and see.
Exactly. I wouldn't say choline has increased my brain fog but I don't feel like it has decreased it either. The sleep benefits are enough to make me keep taking it regardless.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@halcyon I definitely need help in the sleep area, although it seems weird that it helps sleep while it stimulates the brain. My brain is really bizarre. Things that should calm me are like speed, Baclofen for example. And I felt horrible from, can't think of the name, the one like a benzo, the nootrop. Etiziolam!

One more thing to add to the list of possibilities.