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Nk cell deficiency


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

Cant remember if i have posted this before but article only 3 yrs old. So worth a read as it compares deficiency states and low function states. Definitely posted similar articles.

When i read info like this, i often wonder why so many cfsers dont think of it as being that important in our symptoms and think of it more of a biomarker.


Senior Member
Have vague memory that NK cells are also low in some other disease states - so not exclusive to ME


Senior Member
Have vague memory that NK cells are also low in some other disease states - so not exclusive to ME
And apparently not low in all well-characterized ME patients. Perhaps it will serve as one of multiple markers of immune dysfunction to diagnose ME.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Have vague memory that NK cells are also low in some other disease states - so not exclusive to ME

It might not be exclusive to cfsme but can explain why viruses reactivate. Im not saying viral reactivation is the cause but if its happening than it can definitely drive many symptoms. Possible that low nk function is a sub group of cfsme. I say subgroup as thereare others with normal nk function. They have found cd8 t cells with low function also in cfsme .

The other point is that australian researchers have found nk bright cells are abnormal in cfsme and dim nk cells are normal. I dont know if nk bright cells are exclusive to cfs me. More research is needed in this to find if this nk dysfunction is exclusive to cfsme.

I would like to see nk function tests as well as other testing used with the CCC to help more accurately diagnose cfsme.