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NEWS: Opossums–where Lyme disease goes to die 3/14/15


senior member
Concord, NH
This is interesting to know, I don't recall having possums in NH as a kid, see them around a lot more now! Good thing with that Lyme crap spreading around!



Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
Opossums are immune to rabies as well.

Another interesting opossum fact is that they appear to have the ability to become immune to the venom of poisonous snakes relative to the opossums geographic area! I think it is a little more broad than this, but apparently their body is able to launch a very rapid and strong antibody to just about any pathogen. Considering that they will eat practically anything, I can understand that.

I hit one with my car one time (not on purpose) while it was eating another opossum that had already been hit by a car!

I've had raccoon's and opossum's fighting (much more bark than bite though) on my deck, as they are in about equal numbers around here. However, I have had to "get rid" of raccoons (authorized by state wildlife dept.) with rabies in 1 instance and with parvo in 3 instances. I have never seen a sick opossum!

We now have skunks as of about 5 years ago. The Great Horned Owls keep them in check though!