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News: Electromagnetic fields - Nerves & even more?


wiggle jiggle
"Anecdotal and clinical reports have suggested that radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMFs) may serve as a trigger for neuropathic pain. However, these reports have been widely disregarded, as the epidemiological effects of electromagnetic fields have not been systematically proven, and are highly controversial. Here, we demonstrate that anthropogenic RF EMFs elicit post-neurotomy pain in a tibial neuroma transposition model.
These results substantiate patient reports of RF EMF-pain, in the case of peripheral nerve injury, while confirming the public and scientific consensus that anthropogenic RF EMFs engender no adverse sensory effects in the general population."



Senior Member
Dr Paul Cheney advises ME/CFS patients to minimize radio frequency electromagnetic fields (such WiFi and cordless telephone radio emissions), by doing things such as sleeping in a Faraday cage. See here.

Cheney also mentioned that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) mess with the anti-oxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD). See here. It looks like that statement probably came from this study.

I am generally a bit skeptical that EMFs might worsen ME/CFS; although in the light of this new study on EMFs and neuropathic pain, it would be interesting for ME/CFS patients who do suffer lots of bodily pain to experiment with EMF avoidance.

Two things you can do to reduce EMF exposure in your home:

• Turning off your WiFi (and connecting your computer to the router by Ethernet cable instead).

• Changing your cordless telephone (if you have one) to a brand that does not transmit radio frequency EMF 24 hours a day. Most cordless telephones are badly designed, in that they emit EMF all the time, even when not being used. My understanding is cordless telephones represent the largest exposure to EMF in the home.

However, some cordless telephones, like the Siemens Gigaset, offer low EMF modes of operation, where they only transmit radio frequencies when the phone is in use (but to get this option, you must put the Siemens phone in the "Eco Dect" mode or "Eco Dect Plus" mode). I bought a pair of Siemens Gigaset cordless phones for £25, so they are quite cheap. More info on these low EMF modes here.

It's best though to take with a pinch of salt all the stuff written about radio frequency EMFs on websites which are trying to sell you expensive EMF protection products by playing with your fears and anxieties.


wiggle jiggle
there seems a lot of natural electric signalling in us. between cells.
and we (as other life, e.g. cattle) react strongly (visuably) on magnet fields.

worms do too. earth worms even hold meetings, did you know? reaching social decisions.
it seems, bacteria also have social behaviour and communication for this.
they dont extinct within the body. e.g. they may reduce their own breeding in order to not extinct the colleage next door.

the strongest electromagnetic fields emerge from outer space, together with our events in the earth kernel (magnet/iron), faik.
they may change over time and/or depeding on geographic locations.
this is imo certainly a component to consider and take into the equation of life or - the equation of disease.

however, in times where the regular human body functions are still unknown variables
this seems absolutely impossible at all. sadly.

bottom line:
we strongly react to electromagnetic fields.
not the smartphone, the natural electromagnetic fields are strongest.
our body functions may be depending on this
all life may be. so, pathogens as well.
it seems to have a major impact.


wiggle jiggle
If you have EMF sensitivity, suspect mercury toxicity - per Andrew Cutler.
when i understand that right, some researchers found that particularly adding gold particles brought ease for some infections.

i am wondering why this is.

could it be, that the whole bodily (metall) composition is just 'diluted' by a nonconductor ?
making it less reactive to electromagnetic fields?
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Senior Member
when i understand that right, some researchers found that particularly adding gold particles brought ease for some infections.

i am wondering why this is.

could it be, that the whole bodily (metall) composition is just 'diluted' by a nonconductor ?
making it less reactive to electromagnetic fields?

Actually gold is extremely conductive. It might be the best conductor out there. Ever seen gold plated plugs on guitar cables or speaker cables? It's also used for the connector pins on computer chips.

The body generates biochemical electric fields (the nervous system). It is a general principle of physics that every electrical field also contains a magnetic field. Therefore the body has it's own electromagnetic field.

What mercury does is block numerous biochemical pathways and enzymes all over the body, therefore affecting the functioning of the nervous system (among other things).

I'm not sure of the exact mechanism of how external EMFs affect the body's EMF. Maybe it's something like since your own field is weakened by mercury, it's not strong enough to counteract the external field. So the external field starts having an influence on the body's operation, producing the symptoms associated with EMF issues.

Adding more metals like gold is not a solution. The solution is to chelate out the mercury (using only Cutler's Frequent Dose Chelation method, otherwise you can get worse). In the meantime, you can avoid EMFs by avoiding or limiting time on devices that cause issues, or using shielding to block the EMFs.

There are definite physical principles by which shielding works, such as a Faraday cage. I have installed this kind of shielding my electric guitar to stop hum. It's basically some copper foil attached to a wire that goes to ground.

I've seen a lot of scams out there. For example, an aluminum plate you stick under your bed is an expensive scam.

Lessemf.com is a source of proper shielding products (maybe the only good source). You can make your own shielding too if you know what to do.


wiggle jiggle
then gold particles in medicine (and probably silver?) might then increase conductivity in the body.
means, contribute to 'endo'-electromagnetic communication - between nerves and cells.
and so reduce the effect of mercury (etc) ?

but what is the effect of our weak mobile phones compared to the pole flips ahead?
or even the normal electromagnetic effects from space?

this then MUST heavily affect people - depending on geographic locations, as well.
and perhaps seasons too ?
or other space-events.

if mobiles already are said to have some effect on humans, those of the natural electromagnetic changes must be enormous?

(earthworms are on a major warpath with magnetism. im expecting ours dont behave much different.)
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Senior Member
then gold particles in medicine (and probably silver?) might then increase conductivity in the body.
means, contribute to 'endo'-electromagnetic communication - between nerves and cells.
and so reduce the effect of mercury (etc) ?

but what is the effect of our weak mobile phones compared to the pole flips ahead?
or even the normal electromagnetic effects from space?

this then MUST heavily affect people - depending on geographic locations, as well.
and perhaps seasons too ?
or other space-events.

if mobiles already are said to have some effect on humans, those of the natural electromagnetic changes must be enormous?

(earthworms are on a major warpath with magnetism. im expecting ours dont behave much different.)

I've heard about the impending magnetic pole reversal. Maybe we will all go mad and we won't have to wait for global warming or the Yellowstone supervolcano or WWIII to do us in....:eek:

The thing with cell phones is proximity. The field may be weak, but when you hold it next to your brain, it has much more impact. You're basically putting the phone's field within your body's field. Your body perceives it as part of the body's own field.

There could be something with gold and silver increasing nerve conduction, assuming the particles get into the nerves. I don't really know.

What I do know is that the nerves use basic nutrients (B vitamins, minerals, etc.). So you can get improvement from supplementing things that you're deficient in, and increasing methylation cycle supplements.