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newb igg question


Senior Member
i see a lot about igg subclasses

igG 1076.00 694.00 1618.00 41.3%

if my igg total is almost in the middle of the range
does that mean i don't need to test my subclasses (i can't afford it tbh)?

my c3 and c4 are at the very bottom of the normal range fwiw
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Misfit Toy

Senior Member
if my igg total is almost in the middle of the range
does that mean i don't need to test my subclasses (i can't afford it tbh)?

I am confused about what the numbers are. What is the range and what is your number? 694 is low, but that's not too too low. What matters is if you fail the vaccine challenge. Igg is rarely covered unless your number is super low or you have another reason to have it. The cost of IGG is insane. Like $15,000 to $30,000 for one IVIG per month.

I have CVID.

Do you have insurance?


Senior Member
@Misfit Toy eeep sorry i shouldve explained. i have numb hands so i forget/get lazy.

my number is 1076, the bottom of the range is 694, it falls at 41.3% of the range.

yes i am with aetna, my complements c3 and c4 are low and doctors are blowing me off. i'm going to go to an infectious diseases doctor and ask if he could at least test me for lyme, ebv, etc. my hands have been numb since 2010 and my hair is falling out despite negative ana labs.

here's my other immunoglobulin levels. however, i don't entirely trust the lab who did this i should probably get them retested.

igA 188.00 81.00 463.00 28.0%
igM 174.00 48.00 271.00 56.5%

i had giardia for at least 2 years! which i believe is common in people with suppressed immune systems. and i still have major digestive problems.

giardia didn't affect my igA
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Misfit Toy

Senior Member
here's my other immunoglobulin levels. however, i don't entirely trust the lab who did this i should probably get them retested.

Okay, based on these labs, you are looking okay. My IgA is LOW. My IgG number is only 200 points above normal. yours is pretty good. If it's mid range, you are okay.

Your Igm is really good.

My IgA is really low and yeah...my labs are not anywhere near as good.

What is your diagnosis? CFS? keep looking.

It's so interesting to me how labs are all so different all over. Are you in the US?


Senior Member
i have a dorky spreadsheet which calculates the percentage your labs fall within a range, if anyone's interested


Senior Member
yes i am in the US

i don't have a diagnosis yet, i have ehlers danlos syndrome so i've tended to blame a lot of my bizarre symptoms of that but my complement levels being so low/giardia etc have made me re-evaluate everything. nobody with eds talks about having numb hands like mine, unless they've been injured etc.

i found this online

Igg elevated lupus, normal igm, iga
Igg or igm elevated in sjogren’s, normal iga

at least i can rule out CVID


Senior Member
i would like to get my ige tested at some point

An immunoglobulin E (IgE) test measures the blood level of IgE, one of the five subclasses of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system that attack antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and allergens. IgE antibodies are found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes.


Senior Member
so i ordered my own igG test and it's at 36.2% of the range, 1026
so i'm going to assume this is a pretty normalish test result coupled with my last one and not investigate it any further.