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New Procedure Repairs Severed Nerves in Minutes, Restoring Limb Use in Days or Weeks


Senior Member
They don't explain the procedure but this is one step towards the future. We are able to undo damage that could not be undone before.


ScienceDaily (Feb. 3, 2012) American scientists believe a new procedure to repair severed nerves could result in patients recovering in days or weeks, rather than months or years. The team used a cellular mechanism similar to that used by many invertebrates to repair damage to nerve axons.

Their results were recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research.
"We have developed a procedure which can repair severed nerves within minutes so that the behavior they control can be partially restored within days and often largely restored within two to four weeks," said Professor George Bittner from the University of Texas. "If further developed in clinical trials this approach would be a great advance on current procedures that usually imperfectly restore lost function within months at best."
The team studied the mechanisms all animal cells use to repair damage to their membranes and focused on invertebrates, which have a superior ability to regenerate nerve axons compared to mammals. An axon is a long extension arising from a nerve cell body that communicates with other nerve cells or with muscles.
This research success arises from Bittner's discovery that nerve axons of invertebrates which have been severed from their cell body do not degenerate within days, as happens with mammals, but can survive for months, or even years.
The severed proximal nerve axon in invertebrates can also reconnect with its surviving distal nerve axon to produce much quicker and much better restoration of behaviour than occurs in mammals.

"Severed invertebrate nerve axons can reconnect proximal and distal ends of severed nerve axons within seven days, allowing a rate of behavioural recovery that is far superior to mammals," said Bittner. "In mammals the severed distal axonal stump degenerates within three days and it can take nerve growths from proximal axonal stumps months or years to regenerate and restore use of muscles or sensory areas, often with less accuracy and with much less function being restored."
The team described their success in applying this process to rats in two new research papers. The team were able to repair severed sciatic nerves in the upper thigh, with results showing the rats were able to use their limb within a week and had much function restored within 2 to 4 weeks, in some cases to almost full function.
"We used rats as an experimental model to demonstrate how severed nerve axons can be repaired. Without our procedure, the return of nearly full function rarely comes close to happening," said Bittner. "The sciatic nerve controls all muscle movement of the leg of all mammals and this new approach to repairing nerve axons could almost-certainly be just as successful in humans."
To explore the long term implications and medical uses of this procedure, MD's and other scientist- collaborators at Harvard Medical School and Vanderbilt Medical School and Hospitals are conducting studies to obtain approval to begin clinical trials.
"We believe this procedure could produce a transformational change in the way nerve injuries are repaired," concluded Bittner.


PR activist
Very interesting. Here is the abstract, which sheds some light on the mechanism:


Behavioral function lost in mammals (including humans) after peripheral nerve severance is slowly (weeks to years) and often poorly restored by 12-mm/day, nonspecifically directed outgrowths from proximal axonal stumps. To survive, proximal stumps must quickly repair (seal) plasmalemmal damage. We report that, after complete cut- or crush-severance of rat sciatic nerves, morphological continuity, action potential conduction, and behavioral functions can be consistently (>98% of trials), rapidly (minutes to days), dramatically (7085% recovery), and chronically restored and some Wallerian degeneration prevented. We assess axoplasmic and axolemmal continuity by intra-axonal dye diffusion and action potential conduction across the lesion site and amount of behavioral recovery by Sciatic Functional Index and Foot Fault tests. We apply well-specified sequences of solutions containing FDA-approved chemicals. First, severed axonal ends are opened and resealing is prevented by hypotonic Ca2+-free saline containing antioxidants (especially methylene blue) that inhibit plasmalemmal sealing in sciatic nerves in vivo, ex vivo, and in rat B104 hippocampal cells in vitro. Second, a hypotonic solution of polyethylene glycol (PEG) is applied to open closely apposed (by microsutures, if cut) axonal ends to induce their membranes to flow rapidly into each other (PEG-fusion), consistent with data showing that PEG rapidly seals (PEG-seals) transected neurites of B104 cells, independently of any known endogenous sealing mechanism. Third, Ca2+-containing isotonic saline is applied to induce sealing of any remaining plasmalemmal holes by Ca2+-induced accumulation and fusion of vesicles. These and other data suggest that PEG-sealing is neuroprotective, and our PEG-fusion protocols that repair cut- and crush-severed rat nerves might rapidly translate to clinical procedures. 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
