New Fibromyalgia study in Pain Medicine proposes unexplored cause


Senior Member
Reading this having just finished reading Ramsay's Disease I am wondering if it is time (past time) to start putting these papers together in a massive meta-analysis and see if and how many all point in one direction. Simpson, in commenting on the work of Dr Melvin Ramsay in England (and possibly Scotland - can't remember) with PWME talks a lot about his own work in blood rheology with ME patients. He found, what he claims, is good evidence of erythrocyte deformability problems leading to poor blood profusion in the micro circulation of the brain.
My guess is that all micro circulation would be effected and may explain why so many of us not only have dual dx of FMS and ME but also Raynaud's and other circulation related problems of a dysautonomic nature.
While, as things stand Fibro is considered a rheumi disease and ME is neuro (unless you are a political twit and call it psych) I think there are a number of overlapping aspects of both these diseases.
Anyway, I suppose we'll have to wait and see.


Senior Member
Toronto, Canada
It can't come soon enough for millions. I had fibro along with my ME/CFS, but the fibro was a minor case, and I knew it. Then, two month ago, I woke in the middle of the night feeling like an axe had been chopped into the inside of each elbow...and left there. In the morning, all the other accepted tender points (and more) went nuts. The fibro has been daily since then, and excruciating. I now understand, the hard way, the agony other people have known for years. The weird thing is that when I was seventeen, I felt the inside-the-elbow pain. In my twenties, I was an actress and I would feel the same thing in the wings, waiting to go on before opening night, or right before a film director said "action." For years I went around asking other actors if they had ever experienced this pain as a kind of stage fright and they looked at me as though I was insane. Now, of course, I see it was a sign of things to come. But, again, it started at seventeen--and I was seventeen years old in 1968! 45 years ago! I'm stunned. ... I'm ashamed to say that it took a personal experience of fibro anguish to make me feel as motivated--even militant--about finding a cure for fibro as I am for ME/CFS. I agree, Shell, that a meta-analysis is long overdue. Someone must look at possible relationships between all these illnesses.


Senior Member
I agree that meta-analysis is long overdue.

One thing that links many conditions together is mitochodrial dysfunction. I thought the diagram below was a good one.
