In the Fall 2011 edition of the National Forum from the NCF there was an article named "Forgotton CFIDS/ME marker Resurfaces Again".
I couldn't understand much of the article except that it was mostly about Carnitine and complex biology BUT ...
It reported that some people in group had chatted to some women with ME got breast cancer and had their symptoms resolve when on a drug called ADRIAMYCIN AKA Doxorubicin.
Could this be a new Rixmatub? Like the scientists in Norway who noticed that some patients with ME were getting better on that Cancer drug.
As if that wasn't enough, there was also other news that I strangely can't find on the net:
A patent was issues to "Dr Paul Jenkins" from England for a drug called "TRIMETAZIDINE " aka "Vastarel MR modified release. for use in CFS/ME to reduce mitochondria fatty acid oxidation. Jenkins also mentioned "Ranolazine" aka "Ranexa" as well.
He used 35mg of oral trimetazine twice a day for relief of symptoms.
The article then went into long Biology connecting this to Carnitine use and something in the chemistry of cells and mitochondria that I don't understand.
I once tried carnitine as a supplement and found no help therefore I don't know what to make of this.
I was wondering what others here think of this.
From a google search I notice Ranolazine and Vastaral are both drugs used for angina.
How the hell do we get doctors to conduct a proper trial of these things like they did with Rixamatub?
I couldn't understand much of the article except that it was mostly about Carnitine and complex biology BUT ...
It reported that some people in group had chatted to some women with ME got breast cancer and had their symptoms resolve when on a drug called ADRIAMYCIN AKA Doxorubicin.
Could this be a new Rixmatub? Like the scientists in Norway who noticed that some patients with ME were getting better on that Cancer drug.
As if that wasn't enough, there was also other news that I strangely can't find on the net:
A patent was issues to "Dr Paul Jenkins" from England for a drug called "TRIMETAZIDINE " aka "Vastarel MR modified release. for use in CFS/ME to reduce mitochondria fatty acid oxidation. Jenkins also mentioned "Ranolazine" aka "Ranexa" as well.
He used 35mg of oral trimetazine twice a day for relief of symptoms.
The article then went into long Biology connecting this to Carnitine use and something in the chemistry of cells and mitochondria that I don't understand.
I once tried carnitine as a supplement and found no help therefore I don't know what to make of this.
I was wondering what others here think of this.
From a google search I notice Ranolazine and Vastaral are both drugs used for angina.
How the hell do we get doctors to conduct a proper trial of these things like they did with Rixamatub?