What types of treatments do they offer for pwME? Is it some kind of secret?
We have an illness for which there is no treatment, yet they are "treating it".
And all the insurance in the world, does not make this available apparently. Not very patient, here.
Rufous, I totally get you ... And agree with your sentiments. BTW, the Center for Complex Diseases in Mountain View doesn't accept insurance, and my insurance doesn't provide for anything out of network. So I imagine I will be paying out of pocket for the visits (which cost a thousand each, with 2 minimum) and maybe also some of the tests they order if they're not considered conventional. And even then I question the point ... But feel I have to do something and just want answers from somebody. It's infuriating to say the least, to live like this without even the dignity of an answer.
I also have the same skepticism about "treating" an incurable disease. However, I've never received an official CFS/ME diagnosis. But it's my understanding that, although the criteria has become somewhat more refined over the years with the PEM, the diagnosis for CFS/ME is still one of exclusion, after they haven't been able to pin any thing else on you, because many of the symptoms overlap with many other diseases. This disease is complex to say the least. We might in the end have different diseases that overlap in certain aspects, or it might be a spectrum, because some of us seem to be doing better than others, some go into remission, etc. Different bodies respond differently to different therapies, as you said , some Chinese herbs seem to be working for you, at least. I haven't had much luck with that either. But I'm glad you got some relief. I hope for a day when we understand more about these illnesses where insurances will treat them. It's one thing to have to cope with this and quite another to have to also deal with an establishment medicine that often doesn't even recognize it let alone understand it!
Take care & be well