Neutralizing mold/mycotoxins inside the body

Hello everyone,

I assume this will be my first post. I cant really remember if ive posted earlier; you know mold and memory problems go hand in hand.

In any case, I tend to be a bit sporadic, but I just need to get this out.

I have suffered from two mold outbreaks in my old flat in Germany. Currently living back home in Norway now.

It wasnt really until the last breakout i really became sensitive to the mold/mytoxins, in the way that i cant tolerate my own sweat. I can only assume, but i certainly get some of the same reactions as when im in contact With mold, especially the strain i was messed up from, which i unfortunately never had properly analyzed, but it was black and i believe it was either aspergillus or strat. I cant recall their names properly.
In any case, Ive always suffered from a bit of cognitive disadvantage, weak immune system, fatique, and now i try as well as i can to treat myself, but my intelligence is definitely on its way Down, I cant plan properly, long term and short term, i am dependent on caffeine (went and took myself a cup now, full of mycotoxins) to focus,
i also suffer from a lot of neurological problems, like ADHD, autism Spectre. etc

So please excuse my poor writing and so on.

So, ive tried modified citrus pectin as a binder, and i can attest to it working. i can feel the load going Down, and thats all good, but my main problem me constantly sweating and the sweat being toxic. it ruins my clothes, and after a while i cant sleep in the same room. since mycotoxins are so hard to kill or Wash off surfaces, so its a very hard situation. I dont have a lot of Money, and i cant start to switch houses after two weeks due to mycotoxin saturation.

again, i am assuming here, that while MCP binds to molds/mycotoxins, its doesnt really inactivate it or kill it.

and since i wont be able to completely stop my sweating, if i am going to be realistic, i am looking for Methods to kill the mold inside my body, and then use some form of binder to take them out.

I do plan to do milk thistle and dandelion to fix my liver and kidneys, so that i wont sweat as much, but in any case i need binders for toxins released from the liver, general Heavy metals, etc, and i cant really choose not to chelate mold either.

i am looking into Oils like coriander oil, clove oil, paul d'arco, vinegar, even baking soda aka sodium biscarbonate, to perhaps aid in killing or at least to some degree inactivate the mold and toxins before it leaves my tissue and bloodstream.

i know there are several other factors in play, and i do take vitamins and minerals normally which helps me tremendously With other Things, but i really need something to kill the mold inside me!

i know cholestyramine is supposed to be nr.1 binder for mold, but it seems like MCP is on the rise, and while both are binders, do anyone know if there are binders that kill mold or mycotoxins?

I have been looking into chlorella too, and according to Klinghardt, even if i agree and disagree With some of his Methods, I generally think the guy has a lot to offer.

I found these statements, which are supposed to be notes from a seminar:

Actos turns on PPAR gamma receptor. Each cell has similar organs to our body; a liver for detox for example. The more peroxisomes the better. Actos turns on receptors that signal to more peroxisomes which makes the cell detoxify better. Chlorella does this better than Actos. Chlorella does what Cholestyramine does, but better. God put Actos and Cholestyramine together in one substance called chlorella. High dose of chlorella is better than low dose. Low doses tend to mobilize more than they bind. Higher doses bind more than they mobilize. 20 tablets three times a day 30 minutes before a meal. Fish oil in high doses turns on PPAR gamma receptor. Chlorella + Fish oil can be a very powerful combination. - See more at:"

Again, I know Things tend to be more complex, but i am at my wits end these days, cognitive abilities really faulter.

I just want to know if anyone else have had the same experiences. And if mold is possible to deactivate inside the body.

Also, is it possible to somehow desensitize oneself to the mold/toxins? Id have to do it my own self, cause the help is few and far between up here in the North.


Senior Member
I'm not convinced that the main problem here is fungal infections that grow within the body, though of course there are those too. I think the main problem is that the poisoning of the body (including the immune system) with environmental toxins that are not properly eliminated, and that this is what causes all manner of infections (including fungal infections) to grow.So in terms of getting better over the long term, I'm not convinced that "killing mold" is the way to go. Though, as with killing viruses or killing Lyme, it may be able to have some short-term effect.

In terms of getting toxins out of the body, sweat actually is likely the least damaging way (much less harmful than having them go through the kidneys, liver and intestinal tract....or come up as vomit). I wonder if regular use of a penetrating sauna might help to remove some of the toxins from the body, so that not as much of them would be coming out during the rest of the time and ruining your clothes.

Different kinds of binders tend to stick to different kinds of toxins. Since most people with mold illness have issues with other toxins, taking what seems to have a beneficial effect without a lot of side effects may be a good strategy.

In terms of mycotoxins, cam seems to be more effective at sticking to them. So it might be worth trying.

Mold illness/CFS is really hard on the micro biome, and good bacteria can be very good at detoxifying mold toxin. So fermented foods such as kefir might be worth considering.


Senior Member
charcoal is one of the best otc toxin binders...second it clay. once upon a time i tried cholestyramine and it absolutely destroyed my gut. gut immobility and hemorrhoids galore...would not recommend it. also, one of the best things i found for my mold exposure symptoms is LOTS of saturated fats and limiting carbs as much as possible.
Hello and thanks for Your answers.

I am too convinced that at the base Level, we're talking about toxicity.
Now enviromental toxins are probably the biggest culprit to Our decline, but im not saying electrosmog or evolved mold toxins, psychological stressors, are out of the question, but when you have a bit of everything, and, like for me, when mold seems to be the biggest problem, i have to try and deal With that.

I notice when i dont use MCP, i dont sweat out as much mold toxins and my clothes, bed linen, rooms, etc are not so affected, but its still a bother. when i take about a gram, like i did today, i can feel significant change in the way the sweat affect me. initially, i get better when i pull out some toxins, both metals and mold toxins, but if im unlucky, inhaling those "fumes" from the sweat of my hand, i instantly feel the side effects, like sore throath, memory loss, a feeling of the brain getting "saturated", fatigue, etc.

And my situation is not getting better.

I am going to ask in another topic about different binders,

but i might actually come Down to me figuring out some practical/pragmatic Method of avoiding sweat of sweating at "designated" Places, lol.

So i am currently looking for a Place to live near the forrest so that i can go out and sweat perhaps.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Welcome to the forum, Unistasis!

I wish I had some more suggestions for you. All I can think of is to take a lot of showers, go swimming, use saunas, or soak in natural hot springs.

I have found that soaking in a hot tub helps a lot the first time I go in it, but then after that it feels like the water may have the toxins that I left in there and it's not as helpful. Maybe changing the water every time would work, but I haven't been able to try that.