Neurological? breaking out in a sweat with hot drinks


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Ive had this symptom a few times of late. Im having a hot drink and by the time I get a quarter of the way throu the cup Im can end up covered in sweat (starts running down my body). (Im refering to hot drinks with no caffeine in them). I'd think that is some kind of autonomic malfunctioning to the stimuli of drinking something hot??

Does anyone else get this or comments on this?


Senior Member
I know in pots there is often splanchnic blood pooling and drinking hot drinks results in worsened splanchnic vasodilation and more POTS symptoms.

But maybe your just hot after the drink? maybe your sensitive to the caffeine?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I know in pots there is often splanchnic blood pooling and drinking hot drinks results in worsened splanchnic vasodilation and more POTS symptoms.

But maybe your just hot after the drink? maybe your sensitive to the caffeine?

I was refering to hot drinks "without" caffeine.

umm POTS, I hadnt thought of that one with this. Im not getting any of my other POTS symptoms thou with it so I wouldnt have thought so. Next time it happens I'll lay down and finish my drink like that to see if laying stops the sweating bout.

I can break out in a sudden sweat with my high BP dysfunction. (wondering now if hot drink can suddenly trigger off high BP?)


iherb code TAK122
I get this all the time - eg. 3 times yesterday, and I'm talking big sweats not just a warm feeling like people get after a hot drink. Think you are spot on with autonomic problems. The problem with this illness is we take all these horrible symptoms for granted, people without ME would be running to the docs every day:(


Senior Member
I get it with miso soup, made with fresh miso paste, but only with miso soup. I don't get it with hot drinks or with other soups. I've always had it, but right now my temperature is playing silly buggers, so when I had a bowl of miso soup last week, I was so sweaty that we had to take my top off and dry me off with a towel. So I've always assumed it's the ingredients, not the heat of the liquid. I do sometimes get hot and/or sweaty to a lesser degree after meals in general.
Western Australia
Yep, I definitely get this. Pretty much everytime I drink a hot drink. I've put it down to an autonomic thing. My body just can't seem to regulate it's temperature properly. I have the opposite problem when I drink cold drinks too. I guess my thermostat is just broken!
I usually wait till my drinks are a lower temperature, and try to drink them more slowly. When I have my cup of tea in the morning, I usually have to have a fan on me to stop overheating.
take care, ness


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I get it with miso soup, made with fresh miso paste, but only with miso soup. I don't get it with hot drinks or with other soups. I've always had it, but right now my temperature is playing silly buggers, so when I had a bowl of miso soup last week, I was so sweaty that we had to take my top off and dry me off with a towel. So I've always assumed it's the ingredients, not the heat of the liquid. I do sometimes get hot and/or sweaty to a lesser degree after meals in general.

Everyones really got me thinking more about it all. If Im reacting in some kind of autonomic way to hot drinks... why arent I reacting the same way at times to hot foods? or maybe its cause I dont eat food as hot as my hot drinks which can be so hot I have to slowly sip.
or maybe I have broken out in hot sweat while eatting but didnt connect it to the food at the time?

Im going to have to observe this symptom more.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I have the opposite problem when I drink cold drinks too. I guess my thermostat is just broken!

sickness... I do at times get symptoms to cold drinks too eg Ive actually had teeth chattering after having a cold drink thou its a warm day. I did thou put that down to the amount of cold (refrigerated) drink I'd had as I'd drank a lot so I suppose that impacted body temp.

With this hot drink thou reaction.. as little as a quarter of a cup at times can have me running in sweat (even on a cool day when Im not at all feeling hot).


Senior Member
Yes, is there any chance there's a food intolerance lurking in there? I keep meaning to keep records of when this happens to me, since it can be so marked. I suspect soya, due to the miso, but it's not remotely that strong with other soya foods.

Anyway, dairy occurred to me as a possibility for you, if you happen to put milk in your hot drinks.


iherb code TAK122
No its not related to food intolerances with me, can be decaf tea, decaf coffee, ordinary coffee or tea, just the heat and what my body feels like doing, it has nothing to do with the outside temperature, its freezing outside here, and not overly warm in the house either, but I can still manage to sweat.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
What are the hot drinks you're drinking?

Currently been drinking certified organic Rooibos (vanilla flavour) of late.
Rooibos for those who dont know, is a shrub like bush native to Sth Africa and part of the legume family, it has no caffiene.

I do put a touch of milk in this..but Im currently able to drink a whole glass of mik without getting a reaction.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
The same thing happens to me, but for some reason I still get hot chocolate every morning. I think I am a chocolate addict. It helps that I live in below zero weather. I know it has something to do with blood circulation and blood staying in the torso area because my feet, hands, and legs are still cold, but my torso area is so hot that I am dripping sweat down by neck, back and chest area.

I just bought my husband Rooibos tea. It helps with prostate inflammation and also helps him sleep.


Fine, thank you
Hi tania - thanks for starting this thread! I wouldn't have realised, otherwise, that I'm feeling overheated when drinking a hot drink. I hadn't made the connection and would have thought of it as an autonomic thing.

One more symptom to add to the list!

Glynis Steele

Senior Member
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
When we were trying a low carb diet for our daughter, this happened a lot. We had to abandon the diet due to hypoglycaemia, and it does not happen now. When she had a hot drink and began to sweat, she also felt clammy. We knew for us that it was due to her blood sugar, and gave her a banana, and it would stop.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
When we were trying a low carb diet for our daughter, this happened a lot. We had to abandon the diet due to hypoglycaemia, and it does not happen now. When she had a hot drink and began to sweat, she also felt clammy. We knew for us that it was due to her blood sugar, and gave her a banana, and it would stop.

Interesting. That gives me yet another thing to think about.


I am the opposite w no sweat

I am the opposite, Never sweat, Had the great idea to go to a sauna (to detox) looking for the magic cure. A friend kept insisting she would make me sweat, She was dripping wet and me not a single drop of sweat. No matter what I do, cannot make it happen.

Now, when I am out of a "flare up" I sweat like a normal person if I exercise.
