NEJM: New MS Drug BG-12 Proven Effective, Safe

The New England Journal of Medicine published an article, on 20 September, confirming that Biogen's new drug BG-12 (dimethyl fumurate) reduced relapses in MS patients by 50% compared to placebo. Amazingly, the drug reduced new brain lesions by 79% to 99%. In the MS field, where hoaxes abound with multi-digit priced injectible drugs, whose effects are nebulous to nil, this is a huge development.

The drug is a well-known anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulating formula that has been used in Europe for years to treat psoriasis. Apparently, the compound also used to be applied to furniture to prevent mold in the seat cushions. There was a law suit some years ago, as the substance caused people to get mysterious rashes. Somehow or another, it was discovered that dimethyl fumurate acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent in neuroimmune illnesses. Unlike other MS drugs, the side effects are negligible.

The relevance to CFS is that BG-12 is highly suspected of targeting oxidative stress and raising levels of glutathione. This is a subject that is near and dear to those who have (rightly) espoused the benefits of methylation to treat CFS. Much to his credit, friend of PR RichV had this nailed down long ago. Also reassuring is that BG-12 simply acts as an *anti-inflammatory*, and there is no mumbo-jumbo scientific guessing, like with some of the other CFS cures coming out on the market now.

My next question is: how soon can a physician try this on a batch of CFS patients, since CFS is clearly a neuro-immune disease. Also, I'm wondering how Biogen expects to charge tens of thousands of dollars on this compound, when it has been as common as dirt for decades? It was being sprayed as a routine industrial solvent on assembly line furniture, for crying out loud. My suspicion is that Biogen will find a way to make it really expensive anyway.