Need Help with NutrEval Results

near LA, California
I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me interpret the Krebs Cycle marker results from my mid-April NutrEval. I was dx with fibro in 1999 and CFS in about 2007 and have been unable to work since 1/2010 after dragging through 2009. My fatigue has been it's worst ever for the last 7 months. Hopefully someone can give me some hints on what's going wrong here.

NutrEval rates everything as green, yellow, or red which I interpret as okay, borderline, and bad.

At the top left, FATS,
  • suberic acid is borderline at 1.4, normal <=2.1
  • adipic acid is bad at 2.8, normal <=2.8
At the top center, CARBOHYDRATES,
  • pyruvic acid is normal at 24, norm 7-32
  • lactic acid is normal at 12.3, norm 1.9-19.8
Coming off ACETYL COA,
  • b-OH-butyric acid is borderline at 1.9, norm <=2.8
  • b-OH-methylglutaric acid is borderline at 10, norm <=15
Going around the CITRIC ACID CYCLE,
  • citric acid is borderline high at 471, norm 40-520
  • cis-aconitic acid is normal at 21, norm 10-36
  • isocitric acid is high/bad at 66, norm is 22-65
  • a-ketoglutaric acid is borderline low at 8, norm 4-52
  • succinic acid is normal at 2.9, norm 0.4-4.6
  • malic acid is borderline high at 1.7, norm <=3.0
If anyone can help me with the Malabsorption and Dysbiosis Markers, I've tried to research them and am not getting many answers. Thanks in advance for the help anyone can give.


Senior Member
My results are totally different from yours, and I've been trying to figure them out for the last 2 months, after having the test done in 2010! Most of my levels are low, with the exception of alpha-ketoglutaric acid, which is 'normal'. I'm going to try supplementing with "Krebs Cycle Chelates", a mineral formula with all the acids attached, to see if that will help.

Anyway, caledonia understands this better than I do, so maybe she'll see this thread. I can't explain why certain intermediates would be high.

I did find this webpage with a nice explanation/overview of the Kreb's Cycle:


Senior Member
Try using my Nutreval Interpretation Guide (the link is in my signature below).

You'll likely need more testing to figure out what is going on with your gut. The markers just give you a heads up that more work is needed in that area. The Metametrix GI Effects Profile is the gold standard of gut tests. I'll being doing that one eventually too.