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Naltrexone. Mixing your own!


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I finally got a pill form naltrexone to compound my own. Most people talk of distilled water, but my compounding pharmacy mixed with olive oil. So my question is olive oil vs distilled water! I’ve never had to refrigerate, so benefits of either form is appreciated.

if I don’t get much advice, I’ll stick with the olive oil I guess.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Ah, so nice to see you here, @Strawberry.

Mine are capsules cut with a lactose powder.

Sounds like a Does it Dissolve in Water or Oil question. And probably it dissolves in water.

do pharmacists have opinions? You'd want to make sure it disperses and you can probably shake it before use....


Senior Member
In general, we dissolve in oil compounds that are liposoluble, and also why we take certain drugs with meals.
I do not think it is a concern with naltrexone, which has good water solubility.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I do like the thickness of the oil…. I’ll play around and do both and report back.

Sounds like a Does it Dissolve in Water or Oil question. And probably it dissolves in water.

If I remember right, naltrexone is a salt. It dissolves easily and you are left with the binder. Some people filter out the solids, some people leave them in. My compounding pharmacy leaves it in.

One pill to 50 ml of liquid. Easy peasy! I think?


Senior Member
When I used LDN, I found that I needed only 2/3 the dosage if I took it sublingually (I try to minimize drug dosages, to avoid negative effects). Sublingual absorption requires water solubility, so mixing with oil would hamper that. It might affect where it gets absorbed in the digestive tract, so if you're swallowing it, you won't know which carrier is better until you try both. ME is all about self-experimentation.