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NAD+ Is a Food Component That Promotes Exit from Dauer Diapause


Senior Member
NAD+ Is a Food Component That Promotes Exit from Dauer Diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans

  • Published: December 1, 2016
The free-living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans adapts its development to the availability of food. When food is scarce and population density is high, worms enter a developmentally arrested non-feeding diapause stage specialized for long-term survival called the dauer larva. When food becomes available, they exit from the dauer stage, resume growth and reproduction. It has been postulated that compound(s) present in food, referred to as the “food signal”, promote exit from the dauer stage. In this study, we have identified NAD+ as a component of bacterial extract that promotes dauer exit. NAD+, when dissolved in alkaline medium, causes opening of the mouth and ingestion of food.
We also show that to initiate exit from the dauer stage in response to NAD+ worms require production of serotonin.
Thus, C. elegans can use redox cofactors produced by dietary organisms to sense food.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Recently, my doctor has added NAD+ to my weekly nutrient IV, which has given me a feeling of having more normal energy for 36-48 hours. We're looking into daily supplementation. There's one product on the market here in the US that's pure NAD+ and he's looking into a compounded nasal spray, then we will go by cost.

I've had some luck with taking 20mg sublingual Enada NADH before exercise or when I know I'm going to need energy, but it only lasts a couple of hours.

And I've had absolutely no positive reaction to nicotinamide riboside which is being heavily advertised these days - it seems to help athletes perform better, but my pathway that uses it seems to be broken.

A knowledgeable friend who swears by NR and I tried both the NR and NADH and we found NADH didn't help her while NR did, and my experience was the opposite.

So, experimenting to see what works might be useful.
When I was floxed back in 2010, Enada NADH helped with the sudden horrendous exercise intolerance, but I recall it has (or had at the time) colors that I could not tolerate due to MCS.

In last 6 months I trialed NR (nicotinamide ribosome) with no special effect. However, I do take mitosynergy copper (due to low RBC copper) and I wonder whether some of benefits there might be to copper being wrapped in NADH envelope.


Senior Member
Southern California
We also show that to initiate exit from the dauer stage in response to NAD+ worms require production of serotonin.

Would be interesting to test a combo of St Johns Wart (or some other gentle serotonin prompting agent) and NAD+ infusions

Was speaking to the owner of a clinic today who uses IV NAD+. She said they infuse it 4 days in a row over 6-8 hours and that protocol has helped some of her clients with CFS on a long term basis


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Was speaking to the owner of a clinic today who uses IV NAD+. She said they infuse it 4 days in a row over 6-8 hours and that protocol has helped some of her clients with CFS on a long term basis
Wow! How much is each infusion? And how much are they using? And how long does the 4 days in a row protocol last?

My doctor says its been used in patients with drug addictions and Abraham Hover used it in patients with schizophrenia.

I do think it helps.;)


Senior Member
Southern California
Wow! How much is each infusion? And how much are they using? And how long does the 4 days in a row protocol last?

Each one is $1200 (but insurance should cover almost all of it), they use 1500mg, and the infusions are 6-8 hours. I’m not sure how long the effects last.

Been reading up on its use in dementia, pretty interesting. @Learner1 do you find it helps with brain fog / sensory sensitivity?


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Wonder what kind of ICD10 code justifies that...;) R53.82 doesn't justify much... Do they use a mitochondrial disease code?

Attached are some articles I've collected on NAD+. The Buck Institute discusses cellular senescence, the concepts of which sound mighty familiar. The increased oxidative stress caught my attention, as my recent NutrEval once again showed huge oxidative stress.

The last two discuss the potential for using NAD+ as therapy. The dates on these articles don't make it seem like its a well-established cure insurance will pay for. I'd live to see something that would justify it, though.

I've been getting benefit from a tiny fraction of the 1500mg dose. It has given me clarity in thinking, increased exercise tolerance, and an ability to approach normal activity. Until it wears off.

Also, one of the articles noted nicotinamide riboside doesn't help the brain like NAD+ does.

Do you have any further articles to support its medical use in folks like us? And can you PM me the name of the doc who's using it?


  • Buck Inst Campisi - Cellular aging article.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 27
  • NAD+ oxidative stress aging.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 50
  • NAD+ Therapeutic Space.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 69
  • NAD+ oxidative stress aging.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 27


Sick of being sick ~
So Cal USA
Wonder what kind of ICD10 code justifies that...;) R53.82 doesn't justify much... Do they use a mitochondrial disease code?

Attached are some articles I've collected on NAD+. The Buck Institute discusses cellular senescence, the concepts of which sound mighty familiar. The increased oxidative stress caught my attention, as my recent NutrEval once again showed huge oxidative stress.

The last two discuss the potential for using NAD+ as therapy.
I've been getting benefit from a tiny fraction of the 1500mg dose. It has given me clarity in thinking, increased exercise tolerance, and an ability to approach normal activity. Until it wears off.

Also, one of the articles noted nicotinamide riboside doesn't help the brain like NAD+ does.

Do you have any further articles to support its medical use in folks like us?

@Learner1 ~ I myself like you would appreciate knowing what options are available to us. I am desperately looking for something to relieve my now “severe cognitive impairment”, (chronic head pain as well). I’m convinced it lies with adrenal impairment.

@Jesse2233 ~ I would appreciate a PM regarding more info. $1,200 per session x ? How many... that’s more than I can afford- but I would love to at least find out more?

Thanks to you both-

@pattismith ~ Thank you for starting this thread!
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Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I myself like you would appreciate knowing what options are available to us. I am desperately looking for something to relieve my now “severe cognitive impairment”, (chronic head pain as well). I’m convinced it lies with adrenal impairment.
NAD+ has the potential to increase ATP production in mitochondria. What your systems do with the additional energy may be vary.

In my case, its taken significant endocrine, immune system, and nutrient support, and fighting infections to make progress. And its been clear that my mitochondria weren't doing their job, so we've been looking at ways to help them.

So maybe it's 2 things - what do your mitochondria need and what do your adrenals need?

@Jesse2233 ~ I would appreciate a PM regarding more info. $1,200 per session x ? How many... that’s more than I can afford- but I would love to at least find out more?
That sound like an enormous dose.

My doctor told me that NAD+ has been used a lot with addicts, who get high doses. He gave me just a small dose that helped me, along with B vitamins, carnitine and other amino acids, minerals, glutathione, and PolyMVA, for about half that. It's a more comprehensive approach than just simply adding energy.

If you push too hard on the gas pedal, you might start breaking things. Getting our metabolomics balanced and working well makes more sense to me, and then adding the rocket fuel.

But, I don't think anyone has perfect answers yet. It's still experimental.