
Senior Member
USA - California
I have been battling this BEAST of an illness for over 40 years now... Very little gives me any relief and when it does it doesn't seem to last. I have spent most of my summer on the couch with my eyes rolled into the back of my head in INTENSE VIRAL HELL... I heard about a girl who had just traveled to Europe to get HYPERTHERMIA therapy for her Lyme and all the related issues that I also have... Sooo Because I am LYME POOR and don't have 60K to go and do that .. I thought hmmmm Jacque just get in your FIR SAUNA every day and see what happens.. Low and behold... within FOUR DAYS.. I was back up and functioning!!! I planned to get in twice a day if need be...but once a day did the trick... I have been chasing all kinds of different therapies and all along my GREATEST weapon was sitting right there in the garage...

With Bio Toxin Illness it is helping my body rid itself of the Bio Toxins! It is also creating a fake fever and knocking down the infections! So I have been up productive for about 3 weeks now... I will continue to post on whether or now I get slammed with the Viral Hell again... I seriously did not think I was ever going to come out of this last flare... it seemed endless and I was at the end of my rope.

I highly encourage you to get a good FIR sauna if you can at all afford one! So good for you on so many levels!


Senior Member
FYI @Gondwanaland, @Violeta, @Hip

Thank you for this post @Jacque. FIR Saunas induce HSP-70 (and therefore prevent Protein misfolding) :

I will add "FIR Sauna" as one more way to Boost HSP-70 levels in this post.

@Jacque , what virus do you have?

This is the study that ^^^^^ the hsp 70 info in that article is based on, and it is talking about hsp 72, what is hsp 72?

And if someone would read and explain the the conclusions, that would be great.
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Senior Member
I wonder if infra-red FIR sauna is recommended, or STEAM. Any comments on that?
And I wonder if in sauna therapy you should let your body take a break from time to time. ie: 1 week off, six weeks on... Something like that.
Its my dream to have sauna and massage as a regular part of my schedule. :)
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Senior Member
South East England, UK
@jacques Your post reminded me that one member of the Fibromyalgia group that I run said to me this week that the most effective thing for her pain is the recent FIR sauna she has bought. Because of this she has been able to cut down on her morphine patches which has to be a good thing.

I don't think she bought an expensive one, it might even have been from EBay.

Very glad that you have found something so beneficial. I take it that you replace the lost electrolytes after each session?



Senior Member
@Jacque I have recently been getting relief too. I got badly poisoned by VOC's from a new mattress at the end of last year and was barely able to do anything for myself. 40 FIR sauna sessions later and I am back to my 'normal' chronically ill level of functioning. I am getting some detox issues from it though so am slowing things down but for me it seems to help me not crash and keep going a bit more during the day. I also notice improved sleep. For people in the UK, this company offers affordable FIR saunas which they say are appropriate for people with MCS, I haven't noticed an issue with mine;


Senior Member
@Jacque, nice post. Thank you. I have a portable FIR sauna I've never taken out of the box. This is good motivation to do so. Hope it continues to be a great thing for you! :)


Senior Member
Nice to hear from you @jacques!
I've been using regular saunas for 10 months which help me a lot with reducing sick feelings. I think it's the combination of heat which inhibits viruses and cold hose-downs which stimulates lymph fluids that makes it helpful.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I planned to get in twice a day if need be...but once a day did the trick...

Hi @Jacque,

Congratulations on your improvements. I used to do FIR saunas regularly at a local spa, but the driving and expense eventually caught up with me. I recall the owner mentioning to me one day that as he experimented with doing his own saunas, he discovered that shorter time periods worked out best for him.

He believed that you don't need longer duration times--or even to sweat--to get most of the detox benefits. Might be something to keep in mind if you're not necessarily up for a somewhat lengthy and sweaty sauna, but a non-sweaty few short minutes might be just the right thing.

Again, congrats. :thumbsup:


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Might be something to keep in mind if you're not necessarily up for a somewhat lengthy and sweaty sauna, but a non-sweaty few short minutes might be just the right thing.
I have a good quality FIR mat and, as I don't do well with heat, I set the temperature fairly low. I don't really sweat yet it works, (i.e. I feel better) so I think there is another mechanism at work other than sweating out the bad stuff. With time, I tolerated and benefited from longer sessions, though at first 10 minutes was the most I could handle.


Senior Member
Is there a need to swett much inside? I use only up to 35 degrees Celcius. And the very positive circulations effect is what I feel daily. (German)

Yes, there is no need for high cost. I bought just the heater panel: Than Iooked for my old camping tend, a smal second heater in the rear - and a few wooden panels to hold this construction. I call it tippy tent sauna. With 90x 90 cm it fitts well in the living room. Why should anyone vote for – such chemical systems. Please avoid this plastic blankets, no need for big plastic Sags either. – Why not try your own tippi tent sauna.The heaters infrared waves are there. It shure gets you warm! So, fresh air can blow little bit through it.

regards ;) student
ps. Could you not persuade your neigbours … to sell – the old carbon-panel heater of their quality „sunlighten sauna“??

Research 1st

Severe ME, POTS & MCAS.
RE: Sauna for severely affected.

There is a slight problem with any kind of Sauna and getting rid of potential toxins (I'd have tests first to measure if there are any at levels known to cause problems) in ME..and that's having severe ME!

If you have severe ME, you likely have significant or profound autonomic dysfunction and thus don't need a lecture from me. Unfortunately, most patients are unaware of this condition, as they've had no tests so put it down to 'an ME thing', rather than realising it's down to having a central nervous system disorder with a name: 'Dysautonomia'. Once you have a name and a diagnosis for this, you can understand what helps and worsens the condition.

Enclosing your body in heat makes dysautonomia much worse, even though Dr Myhill likes it (it has logical reasons why it's beneficial).

If you're very disabled I'd tread carefully, and not attempt a device with a lot of heat without supervision, in case you faint or feel faint or generally 'freak out' if you're zipped up in a little igloo. (There's no where to fall, if you are upright and held upright by some portable enclose wrapped around a chair, and the whole point of fainting is to end up flat). Fainting upright and staying upright when unconscious can be very dangerous IF your BP remains very low - risk of seizure etc..

Simple exposure to heat such as hot weather for severely ill people can make you out of breath due to excessive vasodilation and the effects on weak diaphragm (breathing) muscles and heart, having a sauna could even make you collapse if you're already very fragile. So tread carefully.

Thermoregulation in autonomic dysfunction is impaired, one 'test' for this is a sweat test where they cover you with powder, stick you in a room and heat you up, to 'see' if you sweat. Most unpleasant, but it's done in a hospital so it's safe.

One compromise would be to have 'toxin' tests first before having excessive heat exposure to sweat (or not sweat i you don't sweat!) toxins out of you:

There are blood test for heavy metals, Fat Biopsy for chemicals, and DNA adducts test for chemicals latched onto your DNA. Mine were all positive, so they aren't a waste of time and my concerns aren't based on scepticism but safety, having had all sorts of falls and little accidents at home since getting so weak.

I hope that's OK and people see I'm typing this in good faith and not trying to negatively affect the discussion. I was just trying to consider people, who might not have considered the effect of heat, if they're really sick. Thanks.
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work in progress
N. California
There are blood test for heavy metals, Fat Biopsy for chemicals, and DNA adducts test for chemicals latched onto your DNA.

What specific lab tests are you referring to here?

I have never heard of a blood test for heavy metals... just a provocative urine test from Doctor's Data, so I am curious. And who does the DNA adducts test? And where did you manage to get a fat biopsy test for chemicals--was that in the US or GB?

Thanks in advance for your response.


Senior Member
@Jacque , what virus do you have?

This is the study that ^^^^^ the hsp 70 info in that article is based on, and it is talking about hsp 72, what is hsp 72?

And if someone would read and explain the the conclusions, that would be great.

I just accidentally found this about HSP 72, which is the hsp in the study that the link above uses for it's info. IDK