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My experience on Famvir


I'm new to this forum but not new to CFS. I have just started Famvir 250mg bd and thought I would post my experiences as a record for myself and for others

A few brief facts about me:

CFS since early 2007, after history of training and competing in triathlon, 1st year quite debilitated had to leave full-time job and started back part-time in August out of sheer need. Slow improvement in symptoms till mid 2009. Then was nearly 100% but continued to battle long periods of viral type illnesses, mostly headaches, sore throat, tender glands in the neck and fatigue.

2010 embarked on a gut cleanse protocol with a new wholistic GP that I found and experienced full health and got to the point that I was training and competing and pre CFS state. Only frequent viral infection bothered me but rest managed these

In October, I lost a close friend to cancer and came down with the usual symptoms and have not got better! Now three months later and I am struggling through my nursing job with crushing fatigue by the evening and have been undable to tolerate exercise.

The relapse has been harsh and I have struggled emotionally as well as physically with the dispair of being robbed again of my health.

Interesting but also crushing is the fact that my husband had a much more severe version of CFS when our kids were little that lasted 8 years. So my family has been traumatised, financially and emotionally as well as physically by this plague!!!!! I am quite amazed to find that new reseach points to super retro-virus which confirms what I already suspected that there is probably a causal relationship between us

So I am embarking on Famvir 250mg bd, a whole heap of stuff to support my immune system and I renewed phillosphy cycloferron when it arrives from the iron curtain!

Kinda following heapsreal protocol as it seems well tested and will modify what i need with doctor monthly and have regular tests

Haha If i get better I say we go into business and save the world from CFS and retire from caring for the world!!!
End of week one!

Exacerbation of symptoms yesterday, A lot more feeling of 'congestion in my neck" eg stiffness, tender lymph nodes and chronic headahe! Haven't had this constant feeling for over 12 month so who know's maybe some of a die of affect happening! Here's to hoping.



Senior Member
Good luck with it Bethinoz I just started Famvir myself 2 days ago.My doc recommended 500mg daily for 5 days then 250mg daily.I haven't had the headaches or nausea like I did with Acyclovir so fingers are crossed.
I'm keeping a watch on heapsreal and everyone else who've had good experiences with it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I did 12 months on famvir and almost recovered then went onto valtrex and went backwards for the next 11 months, so have been back on famvir now for 3 months with my cycloferon and pregnenolone as apart of my hormone modulation and im feeling pretty good, doing some exercise etc still have some sleep preoblems but i think i will always have them and some aches and pains.

Good luck Alice , I wonder why he started you on a higher dose then dropped back? Let me know how you fare!

Heapsreal that's such great news that you are well enough to exercise hoping I can do the same sometime soon!



Senior Member
Dr klimas (woman) said this is the way they treat with Famvir.I'm guessing it's to hit hard and fast then a steady onslaught.
That sounds like war chatter and I suppose it is.
heapsreal great news!! What is pregnenolone?
this is really interesting that famvir seems to be more effective than valtrex.

Heapsreal - do you think adding in the cycloferon has had any noticable effect, although i'm sure it's hard to tell when you're taking famvir aswell!?

i've just ordered PCR tests for EBV, CMV, HHV6 so i'm about to find out if i'm a famvir candidate! time to join the club (hopefully) :D


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i do believe cycloferon is helping as i started it when not on famvir and it made an impact but yes its hard to tell now im on famvir as well as pregnenolone which is also making an impact. Pregnenolone is a precursor type hormone that all other hormones are made from and i was low in dhea as well as cortisol and free testosterone. I did supplement with dhea but it just drove my estrogen too high which is not good for us aussie guys we call blokes, lol.

Sorry beth for hijacking your thread abit, keep us posted.

U still having die off type symptoms eg painful glands etc
I've decided to do something similar to Alice and take 500mg bd for 5-7 days then drop back to 250mg.Just to give this viral thing a bit of a hit on the head.

Still feel glands but less intense. I have a really sore neck not sure if this is a EBV symptom or just injured! Will see my physio asap.

Have noticed a change in the sore throat it seems milder and I have just finished 4 nursing shifts where I have talked all day to anxious parent while soothing screaming babies so that may be a good sigh!

I have one day off then another four on before I can get a decent break so will be tested to the max!

Hoping to see the cycloferron by end of the week, fingers crossed!
Hijack all you want heapsreal you are a encyclopaedia of info

Hi all,

I got my bloods back and everything was in normal limits accept I was strongly positive to Strep A! I was EBV and CMV positive from past infection!

My current regieme is Famvir 250mg bd, cycloferon 2 tabs second daily and Penicillin 500gm bd as well as a whole heap of other naturupathic stuff and supps.

I am feeling substantially better; sore throat scratchy, headaches mild to moderate some days don't need to take anything, fatigue getting less. Today I was able to go for a bike ride after work and have swam short distances on two other days this week! Hoping that I am on the climb!!

Hi all

I'm doing a little better and have been diagnosed with a sinusitis infection with possible cause being strep A have started on Doxycycline 100mg a day and have turned the corner a bit. Am planning to finish the Famvir Im on but not dure if I will continue if the issue is around chronic infection.

Headaches are greatly improved, sore throat periodically bad but have much more of a post nasal drip happening ? sinus's beginning to drain. Fatigue has definately lessened

Hi Everyone,

Feel so much better since I have started Doxycycline. I think that the strepA infection and chronic sinusitis that was harbouring it was the key to my improvement!

I feel well enough to compete in a little triathlon this week end and have been working , socialising and doing mild training with only mild fatigue!I feel I am heading back out of this pit!

Very aware of how blocked up I am have been using a netti pot and doing sinus irrigation with some affect.

I will stop famvir for a while as it seems I was barking up the wrong tree so to speak.

My daily regieme is Doxy 100mg,
Nilstat tabs tds
I sachet of fatigue reviva (amino acid and vit and minimeral sup)
mulit vit
Andro NK tds
KI bd
Active Vit B complex
as well as and Audi supp for sinus
Cyclo ferron 2 tabs every second day
Favir 250mg bd till current pack finishes
avanza 30mg
rivitril one tab
Nasonex 2 sniffs daily

