I tried a cbd cream, full spectrum of a company from Germany ( cbdee.eu ) from ebay. They sell their cream through ebay and sell oral drops from their website. The cream costs roughly 22 usd and shipping 7 usd for 1200 mg 80%, in 15ml (it comes in a compact round plastic box).
https://www.ebay.com/str/socialsoap This is their store on ebay.com
I applied 4 finger tips each on the back of my palms. The first three days I experienced excellent increase in both physical and mental energy, without the wired feeling. Then from the fourth day I experienced tiredness and vertigo and a tighness at the back of my neck.
So I reduced the dosage (applied only 2 finger tips instead of the 8 that I took for the first 3 days). The fatigue vanished but the vertigo still persists even though it has come down considerably.
I was in continuous touch with the manufacturer through emails in ebay.com. They said it is unlikely that their cbd cream could cause this. I asked them what % of the cream gets absorbed into the bloodstream from the skin, to which they replied that zero % gets through to the bloodstream, which i am not able to accept. It was a powerful cream.
I have stopped using the cream. Does anybody else have experience using any similar cbd cream ?
I have ordered c60 from https://www.goodandcheapc60oo.com/ I will be getting it in a week's time. I will post my experience of it.
https://www.ebay.com/str/socialsoap This is their store on ebay.com
I applied 4 finger tips each on the back of my palms. The first three days I experienced excellent increase in both physical and mental energy, without the wired feeling. Then from the fourth day I experienced tiredness and vertigo and a tighness at the back of my neck.
So I reduced the dosage (applied only 2 finger tips instead of the 8 that I took for the first 3 days). The fatigue vanished but the vertigo still persists even though it has come down considerably.
I was in continuous touch with the manufacturer through emails in ebay.com. They said it is unlikely that their cbd cream could cause this. I asked them what % of the cream gets absorbed into the bloodstream from the skin, to which they replied that zero % gets through to the bloodstream, which i am not able to accept. It was a powerful cream.
I have stopped using the cream. Does anybody else have experience using any similar cbd cream ?
I have ordered c60 from https://www.goodandcheapc60oo.com/ I will be getting it in a week's time. I will post my experience of it.