That's not fair to claim that doctors don't care. Don't blame the doctors for the long waiting lists. That is down to the gov't and how much money they are willing to put into healthcare. Instead of getting angry at us, why not put that anger to good use by lobbying the gov't for more funds.
Jaja i like that!!
The best i heard in this thread.
That is what we all should do, use our energy to push our Gov for more funding, there is great doctors and researchers out there that really know what is going on with us, with real knowledge, they can crack this down, find the real cause of ME/CFS, a real treatment, they have guessed the best they can to help us, but if the governments put less obgections and really fund for research and stop playing the i dont know game, we will finally have efective treatment.
All of the millions missing sufering for many years and the ones, not here any more ,we all deserve the truth and a real effective treatment from the root cause not just symptoms.
we have had to settle for all this years, treat symtomes, the lucky ones, others havent even had that luck.
"Suffering" just have your doctor to check for active infections, viruses, intracelullar bacteria, mycoplasmas, candida from leaky gut, most of the times this are the causes.
With antivirals supplements, diet change or the right antibiotics many people get better.