More fatigue and better body temperature with Diatomaeous Earth


Senior Member
I have been using DE for deworming for a week with the mentioned effects. Any similar experience or advice,please? I have not seen any worms yet although I am sure I am infected.


Senior Member
Hi, Sara,

yes, I saw lots of flukes or at least something that looks like exactly like pictures of flukes on curezone. Also few long things, which I did not know, if they were worms, because brown is brown and if it was worm, it was dead, but I suspect it was. Then few white shorter things. I let my stool tested on parasites before this experiment in local lab and results came back negative. Sometimes dose needs to be increased to two or more tablespoon for big worms, but I have never managed to do it. I did not feel well even on one flat tablespoon.

Good luck to you


Senior Member
Hi Lala,

Thanks for your reply. I am really glad DE helped you. My test results came back negative,too , but I think I am still infected. I will continue taking DE , at least for a couple of weeks, because as far as I know parasites cleansing takes time.DE also gives me a headache, and taking it at night does not make a difference - I still feel fatigued in the morning.


Senior Member
hey I just got some food grade DE from wolf creek in the mail the other week but didnt get to trying it yet. I realized something was up when I started using wormwood/blackwalnut tincture per Dr Cheney instructions a few years ago, I can never take much or often because makes me feel too sick, but I started noticing things that I didnt, ugh, know were there before......

even tho I occasionally take a little wormwood the situation always seems the same so I realized need to do more, and the more I read the more I think it could tie into some cfs symptoms and autoimmune ones etc too

so the food grade DE does seem safe to you guys?I am a bit scared to take it,will start out small dose. But it seems like best way to cut to chase and not mess around with herbs and toxic meds.

wormwood gives me headaches during the die off i think, always takes a couple days to kick in and might feel better a couple days after that. also can bind me up.....does the DE do that? Sara maybe the DE gives you headache due to die off. thats good info, I think I will try to take it when have a couple easy days in front of me in case feel worse and also titrate up real slow. and also pulse it.


Senior Member
Hi Xray,
DE seems to have detox properties,too, like Zeolite or Bentonite clay. So, I cannot say if headache is a sign of detox or just killing parasites. I have been using DE for 10 days and have not seen a thing, but will continue it anyway.I want to give wormwood a try, because I used paragone which contains wormwood and was happy with it. I may also try eating a bulb of garlic per day for a few days if I can tolerate it (garlic makes me dizzy).
What brand of wormwood/walnut tincture you were using, Xray?


Senior Member
brand wormwood=eclectic institute alcohol free tincture with black walnut.
If I just take a drop or two, about 48 hours later may have headache and more malaise for couple days and may get bound up for awhile and then eventually see this same thing, yuck, started doing this occasionally in 2009 and same looking things come out, sort of looks like threadworm or shizotoma (sp) and i Live in the midwest. I did have a dog with lymes and cancer (she had a big open wound looking thing on her behind poor thing and would lay out in the dirt to deal with pain) around same time I started the tincture....I wonder if she gave me something, she would lie in my bathroom as her sort of cave. or I could have had it forever and never knew until took the tincture. I did feel like I got something swimming once the year before cfs in '87, was in a lake and thought i got a swimmers itch thing after that that turned into chelitis but also started having rosacea after that....also played in sandbox that cats used as litter box when I was a kid, so who the heck knows. I cannot talk to mainstream doc about this as after i brought it up once and he tested me and I was negative on his test I think he lost some trust in me, darn. a more sympathetic homeopath I know gave me some abendazole recently to try but I am too afraid to take that stuff, if a drop of wormwood messes me up for awhile I fear that would be a lot more toxic to my general system. The DE seems like least toxic way to go, as long as those crystals don't slice up our innards? :)


Senior Member
oh also, I seem to gain weight and its always hard to lose...most stuff on internet says one would lose weight with that doesnt fit....altho I suspect they have something to do with my weight gain and sugar cravings, but I dont understand why and when some people lose wt and others gain with these issues, do you?


Senior Member

Thanks for the brand name. I easily gain weight with foods not with deworming supplements, but when I go on a diet I simply lose my interest in eating. I think all of these symptoms are different from person to person, and it is mostly a matter of trial and error. If DE will do nothing for me, Wormwood will be the next supplement I am going to try.


Senior Member
Still using DE with GSE, garlic, and oregeno oil, and am starting to see small white stringy things with a few drops of blood. I do not know what to think of all this.


Senior Member
whenever I eat garlic I feel horrible, had to cut it out last few years.... was reminded today when had pad thai, wonder if its related or just sulphur sensitivity cus eggs do same thing

so after posting and reading that article about cat parasites (I put it in the other research thread thingey) and how they make cysts in the brain and after a point you can't kill them, well that may be the limitiation of DE. I suppose DE can only get the ones in gut and intestines. Its like a horror film in a way.

it really makes me wonder why they give plaquenil to people with autoimmune stuff in the US? its an antimalarial. I mean, do the docs admit people probably have parasites or why do they think it works? and I guess the dopamine inhibitors work for schizophrenics according to that article above because the parasites need the dopamine high to be ok.......its incredible. I figured addicts and mentally ill people who smoke cigs and use drugs are trying to self medicate something.....either trying to unconsciously limit bugs or the bugs make them crave stuff and vicious cycle. When I worked at halfway house in the 80s I noticed all the junkies who said they never got sick seem to come down with colds and flu etc a lot if they abstained. at first anyway and others couldnt cope because of feeling too rotten. It seems to me the mental health field is way overblown, a lot of it is voo doo science and what I don't understand is why does medicine send people to therapy who have abnormal immune profiles for inflammatory markers or benefit from stuff like plaquenil......what about therapy could possible address issues that are rooted in problems like that?! other than coping with being cheated of a more normal life.


Senior Member
I cannot say the things I saw were parasites, so it is hard to tell if DE and other supplements are working.


Senior Member
I do not notice any change in my symptoms, and I have stopped taking DE because it caused intestinal bleeding, but will try it in a lower dose again soon.


Senior Member
whoa be sure to drink a ton of water with it. I havent tried mine yet, sorta scared, but its sposed to be food grade from Wolfcreek.

Try the wormwood black walnut yet? another one Cheney was big on is hepasunate, from artemesia family.


Senior Member
whoa be sure to drink a ton of water with it. I havent tried mine yet, sorta scared, but its sposed to be food grade from Wolfcreek.

Try the wormwood black walnut yet? another one Cheney was big on is hepasunate, from artemesia family.


wiggle jiggle
oh also, I seem to gain weight and its always hard to lose...most stuff on internet says one would lose weight with that doesnt fit....altho I suspect they have something to do with my weight gain and sugar cravings, but I dont understand why and when some people lose wt and others gain with these issues, do you?
exactly - a very false information, on almost every site: worms make you slim.

i was eating almost nothing, but according to my bmi, the doctor rated me obese.
my nutrition and weight never matched each other.

at times, i would gain considerably more weight than i ate in grams.
of course, no explanation given by the top medical experts.
just get out that thyroid.

an effective deworming will reveal your true weight. in super fast motion.


Senior Member
northern Maine
I'm curious as to why folks think they have intestinal parasites even after the lab says no. Is there some published research to show the tests are unreliable?

I wonder if people realize that diatomaceous earth is used as a mechanical insecticide - it works by making tiny cuts. Personally, I think eating tablespoons of microscopic knives doesn't seem like a great idea for my already impaired intestines.

Apparently it's not effective for intestinal parasites in cattle:

Wikipedia said:
Medical-grade diatomite has been studied for its efficacy as a de-worming agent in cattle; in both studies cited the groups being treated with diatomaceous earth did not fare any better than control groups.[9][10]

I couldn't find any Pubmed articles on de-worming humans with diatomaceous earth, so there seems to be little evidence one way or the other.