Mold Avoidance Stories


Senior Member
Here is a page that features information about more than 20 people who have put a lot of work into avoiding even a little toxic mold and then gone on to blog about it.

Blogs included are the following:

* Dave Asprey ("The Bulletproof Executive")
* Joseph P. Klein, M.D. (Orthopedic surgeon)
* Andrea and Chris Fabry (Christian radio hosts)
* Dr. Joseph Mercola (health blogger)
* Suzanne Somers (author/actress)
* Pat Sullivan (software entrepreneur)
* Ted Nugent (rock star) and his wife Shemane


Senior Member
Interesting... I've been looking at Dr. Shoemaker's work and protocol re Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

Very interesting. I tested very high for C4a within the last six months. Still trying to get to an appropriate doctor. The doc that ordered the Lyme, co-infections and C4a wants me to see a Lyme specialist. They are not easy to get to and most often don't take insurance.

My biggest problem is I'm trying to be "normal". I work full time and can do little else. Making and getting to medical appointments that I really need is challenging.

When I learned my C4a was so high (35,600), I investigated a few things. My front load washer was one culprit. I have a few others but it seems to be multi-faceted. I have elevated Lyme, Anaplasmosis, Babesia, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, HHV-6, EBV, etc. Traditional docs know very little.

I need to make an appointment very soon as my health can be bedridden one moment to appearing "normal" to others.

Thanks for posting the blogs!