Minor bupleurum, herb for immune system


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Has anyone used minor bupleurum?

My doctor suggested this the other day, saying there are studies showing it works in hep B virus and it appears to help increase interferon production. So in theory sounds like a good herb for viral infections and enteroviral infections etc. I guess it probably works along the same lines as oxymatrine?

  • Bupleurum is used (as a tea, h. p.) for inflammations of the iver (chronic hepatitis), kidneys (chronic nephritis) and upper respiratory ':ract (influenza, the common cold, bronchitis, etc.), PMS (= premenstrual syndrome), primary dysmenorrhea (= painful menstruation without pathology), secondary amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea (= ceased / infrequent / scanty menstruation without pathology), hypotonic uterus, auditory disorders (impaired hearing, vertigo = a type of dizziness) and for minor cases of nervous tension and decreased concentration associated with fatigue. (5)

  • Bupleurum has been widely used for over 2000 years in Asia and is used today in Japan and China for hepatitis, cirrhosis, and other conditions associated with inflammation. Other traditional uses that are not supported by human scientific studies include the treatment ofdeafuess, dizziness, diabetes, wounds, and vomiting. Bupleurum root is an important ingredient in xiao-ciJai-hu-tan/sho-saiko-to, also known as Minor Bupleurum Decoction, a combination of nine herbs, including ginseng, ginger, and licorice, that is used in traditional Chinese and Japanese herbal medicine for hepatitis and cirrhosis.

  • Clinical studies have suggested that this combination may be effective in the treatment of hepatitis B and in the prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma. The mixture has also shown some promise as a liver-protecting agent and as an adjuvant in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HN) infection. The effect of bupleurum is inseparable from the effects of the other ingredients in xiao-chai-hutan/sho-saiko-to; thus, it is difficult to make any firm conclusions based on studies of this combination product. However, because there is some promising early clinical evidence of efficacy for these formulae in the treatment and prevention of hepatitis-associated liver disease, a number of the studies of the combination preparations are included in this review.(2)
theres a few hits on pubmed too.


Senior Member
I bought some pure Bupleurum kaoi a while ago, but did not properly test it (only took it a few times).

Some notes I made on Bupleurum:

Some Bupleurum species are: Bupleurum chinense (from China, Japan and central Europe) and Bupleurum falcatum (indigenous to Japan), Bupleurum kaoi (a Bupleurum species indigenous to Taiwan).

Minor Bupleurum (Xiao Chai Hu Tang) is a herbal formula that contains around 20% Bupleurum.

Major Bupleurum (Da Chai Hu Wan) is a herbal formula that contains around 25% Bupleurum.

Minor Bupleurum induces both interferon alpha and beta:
Xiao chai hu tang inhibits CVB1 virus infection of CCFS-1 cells through the induction of Type I interferon expression


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
It seems many herbal immune stimulants have interferon stimulating ability to varying degrees. Length of treatment play a big role as even interferon therapy itself used for hepatitis is used for several months to make an impact of viral infections. Also chinese medicine is known for combining many herbs, so it may be a some of its parts effects?? All these things may need to be considered.

@Hip do you have any information on the strength of stimulating ability of interferon by specific herbs, maybe like a high, medium and low level of interferon stimulation.

Im still using the russian type interferon inducers which i think are playing a part in keeping me functioning. Some i think have better qualities for certain infections then others. I need to try it again but arbidol did help with my sinus infections. Im considering using bupleurum and astragalus for a few months while rotating between cycloferon, arbidol, arbivir, immunovir and maybe ergoferon. So maybe a combination of herbal immune boosters with the other interferon inducers can improve immune function to a level where im not relient on av's and abx??


Senior Member
@Hip do you have any information on the strength of stimulating ability of interferon by specific herbs, maybe like a high, medium and low level of interferon stimulation.

I don't have any figures on this, but I can give you a list of herbs and supplements which have been shown in studies to increase interferon alpha and/or beta. These are:

Garlic — IFN alpha 1 2
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) — IFN alpha 1
Astragalus — IFN alpha (I read this, but don't have refs)
Bupleurum — IFN alpha and beta 1
Baicalin (from skullcap) — IFN alpha and beta 1
PABA — IFN alpha and beta 1
Berberine — IFN beta 1

Many herbs raise IFN gamma, but from the searches I have done, only a few raise IFN alpha and beta.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I don't have any figures on this, but I can give you a list of herbs and supplements which have been shown in studies to increase interferon alpha and/or beta. These are:

Garlic — IFN alpha 1 2
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) — IFN alpha 1
Astragalus — IFN alpha (I read this, but don't have refs)
Bupleurum — IFN alpha and beta 1
Baicalin (from skullcap) — IFN alpha and beta 1
PABA — IFN alpha and beta 1
Berberine — IFN beta 1

Many herbs raise IFN gamma, but from the searches I have done, only a few raise IFN alpha and beta.

Thanks for that, i will look abit further into these. I think i recall that interferon gamma is the IFN that makes people feel ill, proinflammatory where IFN alpha and beta are anti inflammatory which makes them easier to tolerate?



work in progress
N. California
Bupleurum is used a lot in TCM for liver issues and hormonal issues.... for what they refer to as "liver chi stagnation." It's often prescribed for menstrual difficulties and mood swings--as in PMS symptoms. It's also used in conjunction with other herbs for fever and chills. IT can be helpful to help clear toxins.

It's contraindicated for those with YIN deficiency--which is common in those of us with long term chronic illnesses. I don't know how to translate yin deficiency into western allopathic terms.... Here's somethings about that."Yin represents the nutritive processes and substances of the body. When the Yin is strong, the body is strong, moist, well nourished and fertile. When the Yin is in excess, the body, or the individual organ, becomes sluggish and damp. When the Yin is weak, the body is weak, dry, deficient, and can flare up with heat. There can be sensitivity to heat, weight loss, insomnia, hot flashes, dryness and sometimes dizziness and heart palpitations. This presentation of symptoms is known as Yin deficiency, a very important TCM medical concept. To treat Yin deficiency, TCM herbalists use Yin tonic herbs. These herbs generally nourish and moisten the tissues and increase nutritive forces.

Some of the most commonly used Yin tonics are raw rehmannia root(sheng di huang / Rehmannia glutinosa), glehnia root (sha shen / Adenophora tetraphylla ), scrophularia root (xuan shen / Scrophularia ningpoensis), ligustum berry (nu shen zi / Ligustrum lucidum)American ginseng root (xi yang shen /Panax quinquifolium),ophiopogon root (mai men dong /Ophiopogon japonicus) and wild asparagus root (tian men dong / Asparagus lucidis)."

Allopathic medicine likes to single out herbs and zero in on one at a time, but in TCM herbs are rarely used like that. They are instead used in complex formulas based on the individual's constitution and specific condition in the moment. They are rotated and changed often. Very different, and in my experience a more balanced, approach.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
[/QUOTE]Allopathic medicine likes to single out herbs and zero in on one at a time, but in TCM herbs are rarely used like that. They are instead used in complex formulas based on the individual's constitution and specific condition in the moment. They are rotated and changed often. Very different, and in my experience a more balanced, approach.

yes agree, there is lots of other benefits to many of these herbs, i guess im singling those out that stimulate interferon but its good to have other benefits on the side. The liver detox from bupleurum is also a factor in looking into this has many viruses common in cfs/me can affect liver function too.



work in progress
N. California
When I took patent formulas with bupleurum, I became overly agitated. I couldn't handle the amount they put into them. I would never take it on its own. Much too intense and very out of balance! You would need someone skilled at mixing herbal prescriptions to figure out how to balance the bupleurum with other herbs.


Senior Member
I'm not sure how high up the cholesterol chain this works but it is the active ingredient in sho saiko to - a japanese kampo formula with a chinese equivalent. It does help for as long as you are on it.