I believe there are a significant number of rich/powerful people that have ME/CFS. They on the other hand, and purposely, steer away from a diagnosis of CFS unless they are in a house-bound and bed-ridden state. They are going to try and avoid the stigma associated with the disease for numerous reasons such as employment, health insurance, social status and worst of all public perception. Getting a physician to avoid the CFS diagnosis is defintely not a problem.
Due to the "It's all in their head" sign that has been stamped on our foreheads, CFS is in some ways much worse than AIDS. The term "CFS" has, is and always will cause problems in one way or another (social stigma, clinical denial and research funding). I think Dr. Judy stated that when they were trying to name the "WPI", she had to "lose CFS" because of negative effect on fundraising and it is still a problem.
We could probably start killing over and have a mass epidemic, but we would still have "It's all in their head" stamped on our forehead laying the coffin!!! It's a cruel world.
Forrest Gump - My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."