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Methylene blue and red light therapy


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
I've been on mb for around 5 months and am in the 2 mg/kg (oral) dosing range. Alone, it decreased brain-fog 50% and doubled activity from two to four hours a day. But, with a notable collapse afterward. Sleep was restorative and I was ready to abuse myself again by morning :)

April 30th I added a Vielight Neuro Gamma and it was 1+1=3. The two are theorised to work hand-in-hand in the mitochondria. Methylene Blue handing electrons to cytochrome c oxidase which red light makes more receptive.

Anyway, the brain-fog that was present since Dec 2010 ranges between gone and virtually gone. In the 95+%. I am able to work as long as I want - 5+ hours and after a little rest I am fine for the evening. No crash, no PEM, no OI....I can not trigger a fatigue event.

Caveats - I have been on Freddd's Protocol x 12 yrs. I have also removed heavy metals from the equation. I consider the above approach to be icing on the cake and have no idea what would have happened if I had tried this as my main treatment.

In my experience, the MAOi effects of mb are overstated. At least at the doses we are likely to use. Also, for some of us it is better taken with the half life in mind (6 hours - I take it every 4 hours). I think that the antibiotic properties are also overstated but that is only my n=1 experience.

Red light therapy is supposed to activate mb as well to increase the antimicrobial properties and I have a device that I wear on the wrist to hit the major vessels there. I did have a down day when I started doing this (herx?). I am not convinced yet. I have herpes 6, mycoplasma, and some kind of fungus.


Senior Member
I've been on mb for around 5 months and am in the 2 mg/kg (oral) dosing range. Alone, it decreased brain-fog 50% and doubled activity from two to four hours a day. But, with a notable collapse afterward. Sleep was restorative and I was ready to abuse myself again by morning :)

That's how I felt a bit trying out nicotine patches, although not that much of an improvement. I haven't tried MB at the higher dosages. Did you titrate up to that?

So do you think the Vielight is what put that over the top? I'm not really familiar with it - had you tried it without the MB before? Huge difference between 50% reduction in brain fog and 2-4 hours of activity followed by a crash, versus 95% improvement with no crash.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
Hi, I was on nicotine through 2011 and tried it again in January just before the mb trial. It helps a bit. I titrated fairly quickly on the mb and it made a significant difference on its own. The closest I came to going with the red light alone was when I made some mb capsules that seemed wonky. (magnesium glycinate, NAC, alpha lipoic acid and vit C, added). My pee was no longer very green and I started to get some symptoms back. I have assumed that there was some kind of reaction that rendered the mb less potent. But, what do I know.
So, my sense of it is that yes, the light will do something on its own, but if a person's mitochondria are broken enough, methylene blue will be needed as well.


Senior Member
Red light therapy is supposed to activate mb as well to increase the antimicrobial properties and I have a device that I wear on the wrist to hit the major vessels there. I did have a down day when I started doing this (herx?). I am not convinced yet. I have herpes 6, mycoplasma, and some kind of fungus.

Interesting. When light of certain wavelengths shines on methylene blue, it generates singlet oxygen, a highly reactive form of oxygen that you can think of as a sort of bleach, and which has antimicrobial effects.

This study says when methylene blue is irradiated with light of a wavelength from 600 to 950 nm it will generate singlet oxygen. The Vielight Neuro Gamma device emits 810 nm infrared light, so falls in that range.

So the combination of methylene blue plus this infrared may be generating singlet oxygen in your body which is killing pathogens.

However, whether long term generation of singlet oxygen is safe is another question. This study concludes that:
Singlet oxygen may be commonly generated in tissues through a range of enzymatic and nonenzymatic reactions, and, at least based on the in vivo formation of cholesterol secosterol aldehydes, ozone formation also seems to be important. Endogenous overproduction of these two oxidants likely plays important roles in the pathogenesis of physiological disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, skin photoaging, and some cancers.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
Interesting. When light of certain wavelengths shines on methylene blue, it generates singlet oxygen, a highly reactive form of oxygen that you can think of as a sort of bleach, and which has antimicrobial effects.

This study says when methylene blue is irradiated with light of a wavelength from 600 to 950 nm it will generate singlet oxygen. The Vielight Neuro Gamma device emits 810 nm infrared light, so falls in that range.

So the combination of methylene blue plus this infrared may be generating singlet oxygen in your body which is killing pathogens.

However, whether long term generation of singlet oxygen is safe is another question. This study concludes that:
The Vielight apparatus is only used for 20 min x 6 days/week and there would be a limit as to the quantity of the singlet oxygen, but it is certainly a consideration for the bracelet which I tend to wear longer.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
That's how I felt a bit trying out nicotine patches, although not that much of an improvement. I haven't tried MB at the higher dosages. Did you titrate up to that?

So do you think the Vielight is what put that over the top? I'm not really familiar with it - had you tried it without the MB before? Huge difference between 50% reduction in brain fog and 2-4 hours of activity followed by a crash, versus 95% improvement with no crash.
Just for you. I went 9.5 hours without mb and things were getting bad - fog, fatigue, malaise. That is not a good test of course as it does not account for rebound from suddenly withdrawal.