Metametrix COMP Metabolic test results


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
are the CFS/ME symps really about vitamin and mineral deficiencies (and some genetic)?

In my opinion, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are just symptoms, not causes. In your case, as it is in mine, I am fairly convinced that the answer lies in the gut.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Got the neuroscience test results, posted in my thread

Would appreciate any opinions for those who have similar neuro transmitter issues as I seem to have, what did you do or take that improved or got you back to the normal range. Thx.

I had called a couple of times and even tho they were pleasant they made it clear wen the results came in they would call me (msg stop calling and bothering us). Well I called again and was told the same thing then I had enough to stand up and tell here its been a week longer then they say it takes, she said I will call them and call you back. She called back in 5 minutes and said they had completed the test a week ago and faxed it to them but they did not get the fax, she said they were faxing the results now (she gave no apology so I said I guess it was good I did call). Anyway I have been irratible the past few days so everything is getting to me. Still have not gone on my trip. Still waiting for the friggen Methylations pathways test results. I think the new stuff that was added to my 'protocal' is now causing severe constipation, I think I prefer the diarrhea, actually I prefer to have niether. I did take a risk yesterday and rode my motorcycle for the first time since the beggining of March, only 35 miles but it was awesome, did not want to stop but my significant other suggested I better not push it, he was right. When I put the bike away and sat down all my muscles were firing, vibrating at extreme level (muscles are always twitching / tingling but not this intense unless I have exerted myself) but not in a soothing way, always annoying. So for the first time in 4 months got to do something I enjoy for a brief time. I expected to crash today but so far just normal yuk, no crash yet, hoping it doesn't happen but I know it can happen within 30mins, funny I can sense when I crash is comming, not much notice but always requires time in bed. I'm rambling sorry.