Mental melt down - Sulfation & Methylation


Anyone interested in a London Support group?
London, UK
I'm starting again from scratch having lost my way in a mountain of supplements :(

I'm now focussing on the auto-immune angle and detoxing/chelation. I've had very intense inflammation issues and I suspect I still do. I know understand that I have to do the sulfation and methyltion together, and that taking MSM alone does not guarantee that the sulfation pathways are open? So, I've been looking at epsom salts.

I'm also starting to take anti-inflammatories to calm the gut, and try and calm the immune system.

Aside from the fatigue it's the severe anxiety, complete inability to deal with stress and agitation that are really affecting me; along with muscle cramps and wasting away. This is what I'd like to get back under control. I suspect Autism-Aspergers and very high neurological sensitivity.

Any insights would be very welcome. And also doctor recommendations. I keep getting lost :(

Thanks :)


This is all really tricky and we all seem to lose our way many times! I'm dealing with that myself right now. The good thing is we can get it wrong however many times but only have to get it right once. Finding the one correct path out of however many wrong ones is meticulous work. As I'm sure you've been doing. Don't be discouraged, someone hwre is likely to have the exact piece of advice you need.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi. If you are refering to taking Epsom salt by mouth.. be aware that most they are making nowdays are not food grade and arent supposed to be taken by mouth (eg Fauldings isnt, I rang the company this year as I couldnt find the one I usually take and they said do not take theirs by mouth). The ones which are okay to take by mouth, it will say on the container with also dosage instructions, the others are just for the bath!!

I suspect Autism-Aspergers and very high neurological sensitivity.

Consider seeing an Aspergers counsellor.. my best counsellor was one which understands Autism/Aspergers (I have Aspergers).. If you arent someone who does meditation etc.. they may be able to guide you on how to achieve better states of relaxation and with relaxation methods etc. (many who have Aspergers also have gut issues to).

complete inability to deal with stress and agitation that are really affecting me

Im the same.. part of the reason is my nor (adrenaline.. whatever its called) is abnormally high. I suggest for you to get it tested (a 24 hour urine test is one way). Im now on a drug to lower this (Clondine) and that has been very helpful (I still try to avoid stress but dont have adrenaline spikes affecting me now).

Lose dose Klonopin (Rivatril in Australia) was also helpful to me in the past in regards to my overactive feeling nervous system in which I was constantly feeling on edge etc.

Have hope, there is something out there which will help you, finding out what can be the hard thing, take baby steps until you find the things which are going to work for you.


Anyone interested in a London Support group?
London, UK
Thanks for the helpful replies.

I've seen a Aspergers therapist who's really helped with calming the hyper emotional response. I'll look into noradrenalin and also someone on here suggested a doctor in Belgium who can do a whole bunch of tests, I think I'll be taking that route.


Senior Member
Nomad, your symptoms sound just like mine so i'm gonna follow your thread.
Gut inflammation, auto-immune problems, fatigue (brain fog / depersonalization feeling which is freaking me out), anxiety from this whole ordeal, stress and extreme muscle wasting. It's like i react badly to almost every supplement, al lot of stuff aggravates my intestinal inflammation so i'm almost back one square one as well.
Have you done some hormal testing yet?


Anyone interested in a London Support group?
London, UK
A quick update. I had a Asthma flare last week. Got prescribed a five day course of prednisone at 40mg a day. Within two days my psychotic anxiety (intense confusion & rage) calmed right down and by day three I was able to get out from under the duvet and start facing stressful, but essential tasks.

I'm very grateful to the user Hip on here who suggested I look at Inflammation issues in relation to my severe mental states and muscle wasting. I'm going to see if the doctors willing to put me on preds for a while, and then I'll look into using supplements & gut healing to control the inflammation.


Senior Member
i take MSM and Omega 3 oils together at high doses. I also take asprin. As for your anxiety and stress issues I suggest an already active multi B vitamin supplement and Mg Orotate to calm things down. Also a bile mover like dandelion root can move the toxins that are causing the anxiety out pretty fast.


Anyone interested in a London Support group?
London, UK
i take MSM and Omega 3 oils together at high doses. I also take asprin. As for your anxiety and stress issues I suggest an already active multi B vitamin supplement and Mg Orotate to calm things down. Also a bile mover like dandelion root can move the toxins that are causing the anxiety out pretty fast.

I'm already taking B Vitamins, Magnesium. I've started MSM at 1.5 grams twice a day and have ordered omega 3 oils.

It's not like an anxiety attack, that would be huge understatement. It's like a Cytokine Storm. Muscle cramping all over, breathing restricts, muscles tremble, and I turn into a nervous wreck. I finshed my five day course of prednisone the day before yesterday,

Today I got hit by stress, and I'm having another storm. The whole body (and mind) shuts down. The best description I have is muscle cramping, trembling and wasting. This is what then gets me really jittery.