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"Meet the Robin Hood of Science"


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
all science MUST be free and in Public domain or it is NOT credible "science"
power and profit, ego and tenure, and for use as weapons of mass destruction = corruption and untrustworthy
and scientists across the globe need access to all works to ensure no wasted effort, or debate and show issues etc
you need Joe Bloggs in India or whenever to say to his/her colleagues "hey, you made a mistake there..."
when it's an exclusive club...it's both corrupting and prevents the facts being checked.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
I'm sure this is what Aaron Swartz would have done had he not been hounded to suicide. The documentary The Internet's Own Boy is well worth seeking out — very inspiring, despite the sadness. Any article on this subject should mention him.