Medicinal plants for the management of post-COVID-19 fatigue


Senior Member

Since Long Covid and ME/CFS have so much in common, maybe there is information in this study that will help those of us with ME/CFS, too.



Senior Member
I take panax ginseng 1 to 3 times a day, and it has been more helpful than anything I have taken so far.

Not only does it help with cortisol levels, I now see it on a list of natural substances that help clear acetylaldehyde from the bloodstream.


Senior Member
Thank you. About 45 years ago, in Germany, I tried Bach flower remedies to address immunodeficiency and low cortisol levels. During the trial I felt noticeably better, but unfortunately, the treatment was quite expensive and its effects were not long-lasting.


Senior Member
My guess is that a few PWME will find these herbs mildly helpful, a few (probably more) will find they make their symptoms worse, and most will notice no effect. The numbers might look similar for pretty much any herb or plant product, chosen at random. We're just all so different.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
refering plants i have strarted smoking craploads of weed to treat my chronic BOREDOM.

i cant play fast paced video games, only strategy games, can basically never go out, not do sport or bascially any much physical activity other then going grocery shopping and you get fucking bored in this hamster wheel of me/cfs pacing life. doing nothing. fit enough to dream about doing stuff, to sick to actually do something.

weed helps a lot and doesnt crash me (unlike alcohol wich a few drops are enough) so here i am smoking all day


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I used those articles during COVID-19 to get me through COVID-19 Delta strain, the worst COVID-19 strain in June 2020 which my postman delivered. So much for keeping a distance, a young man in his very early 20's I would imagine.

I use Cordyceps Sinensis after first starting with Cordyceps Militaris but I avoid that now because of one of it's constituents which is significantly higher than C. Sinensis which is strongly COX-2 inhibiting which can be damaging to the kidneys if used in excess. There are stories in Thailand where people experienced kidney failure using Cordyceps Militaris extracts. BTW Cordyceps has been shown to raise male sex hormones which tend to be low in ME because of the pituitary dysfunction. It's also fairly anti-inflammatory which is helpful.

There are a quite a few other herbs that he recommends to counter the inflammatory processes created by COVID-19. Some of them might also be helpful for Long COVID. There is a pdf which gives recommendations for recovering taste and smell which can be disrupted by COVID-19.

I don't like Red Ginseng, I use Siberian Ginseng which is milder and less stimulating and cheaper. It does seem to sensitize the body to cortisol which lowers the adrenal cortisol production where less does more. It does also positively affect the natural killer cell function which is important with Lyme disease.

Take a look at the free pdf's to see if anything is useful to you.