Meal replacement?


Senior Member
Really need a meal replacement. Tried 3. First histamine reaction(i have hi/mcas) second sugar so couldnt(it madd me worse, might try again) third had stevia, crashed blood sugar. Been a long time xant stevia.

any products yall like? They were whey from walmart, owyn, and huel.

really need more cals, only like 600 a day right now id guess. Mom can only cook 1 maybe 2 meals a day and im too sick to eat in the norning. Generally. Hoepe shake woils be easiee.
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Senior Member
How many grams a serving, if you dont mind. Surpised its been so hard. Maybe a keto one, but not doing keto not sure.


Forum Support Assistant
"Garden of Life RAW Meal - Lightly Sweetened" has only 6 grams of sugar per scoop, and no stevia. But, it has a bazillion ingredients so there might be many potential things to kick off and MCAS reaction.

"Natural Factors Whey Factors - Unflavored" is just high quality whey protein without flavors or sweeteners. It mixes well and has a fairly neutral taste. It isn't meant to be a meal replacement, just a source of protein and amino acids. I use it every day mixed with oil, ground flax, vegetable juice, lecithin, and a superfood powder.

SunWarrior brand has some plant based protein powders that include at least one option for unflavored and unsweetened.

Oats (1/2 cup uncooked) are 130 calories. If you add a tablespoon of coconut oil you'll get another 100 calories. If you tolerate honey as a sweetener then it's 20 calories per teaspoon. I have oats every morning. I pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1/2 cup of oats, wait for it to cool, then put it in the fridge overnight so most of the phytic acid is broken down which allows for better nutrient absorption. If you tolerate milk then you could use that instead of water for an extra 8-9 grams of protein and additional nutrients.

I add oils to my diet to get more calories. One tablespoon averages 100 - 130 calories. I've found I need a mix of types such as coconut, olive, grapeseed, avocado, and sometimes walnut. I think the important thing is to include a mix of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.

And here's an MCAS tip to consider from Dr. Axe's web site:
Quercetin has also been shown to improve gut barrier function by sealing the gut because it supports creation of tight junction proteins. It also stabilizes mast cells and reduces the release of histamine, which is common in food intolerance. New studies have also shown its effectiveness in healing ulcerative colitis. Take 500 milligrams three times daily with meals.


Senior Member
Thank you so much ill experiment.

Do you know if its possible for quercitine to react mcas/hi ? It seems like when intake it it gets worse mayve? Like befter initially but i start getting running nosess and clogged head the next day.


Forum Support Assistant
Do you know if its possible for quercitine to react mcas/hi ? It seems like when intake it it gets worse mayve? Like befter initially but i start getting running nosess and clogged head the next day.

It supposedly slows phase 1 liver detox so maybe that's the cause of your symptoms from taking it? It also might have opposite effects to those expected if the dose is too high for you. Many people have individual tolerance levels that are much lower (or higher) than average. For them, a lower dose might help, or pulsed dosing (one day on, one day off; or one day on, two days off; etc.)


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Does anyone know if there any shakes with soy protein instead of whey protein?

I thought that soy protein was better tolerated and better tasting than whey protein...


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
Not a meal replacement but nuts have lots of calories, milk, a carrot, and jerky (can make a months worth in the oven). I also have the issue that I am intolerant to practically everything so I can't use anything premade. Good luck


Senior Member
Ty. Havent found anything that works yet. Cant do nuts it seems, carrots yes, jerky no.

Hope i can find something!

All the shakes so far have either sugar or too much carbs, or stevia and cant do that crashes blood sugar too. Worried if i need a tube, looking like that may come to pass.

Kate farms included, and they look to be a grest product. Feels great besides issues!


Senior Member
For years I've been using SlimFast High Protein shakes for two to three meals a day and a small dinner. I like them because they provide a good number of calories per bottle (180, at least for the Vanilla, which is my favorite). It's more low carb than really high protein, which is good: 20 g of protein per bottle. Carbs are 7 g, with 5 g being fiber, with a "net carb" content of 2 g per bottle. They also aren't low fat, which I appreciate: 9 g per bottle They probably wouldn't be good for people with dairy issues because they contain milk protein.

This is also the best tasting meal replacement shake I've found. It's sweetened with sucralose.