The Swedish ME Association (RME/Riksföreningen för ME-patienter) has organised two conferences on ME which will be held tomorrow (19.10) and on Thursday (20.10).
The conference tomorrow will be available for streaming and three of the lectures will be in English:
10.00 - 10.40 Symptoms and diagnostics by dr. Per Julin/Stora Scandals neurorehabilitering
10.50 - 11.30 Summary of the IOM Report, and the relationship to diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS
by Lucinda Bateman, MD
13.00 - 13.45 Rituximab for ME/CFS: Revealing immunological cues to underlying disease
mechanisms by Geraldine Cambridge
(Edit correct link) Link for streaming
Link to the whole program and instructions for live-chat (in Swedish).
Not sure if the streaming is live only, or if it will be available as a video afterwards.
Here is the program for the conference on Thursday. Both programs looks very interesting. Thumbs up to RME!
The conference tomorrow will be available for streaming and three of the lectures will be in English:
10.00 - 10.40 Symptoms and diagnostics by dr. Per Julin/Stora Scandals neurorehabilitering
10.50 - 11.30 Summary of the IOM Report, and the relationship to diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS
by Lucinda Bateman, MD
13.00 - 13.45 Rituximab for ME/CFS: Revealing immunological cues to underlying disease
mechanisms by Geraldine Cambridge
(Edit correct link) Link for streaming
Link to the whole program and instructions for live-chat (in Swedish).
Not sure if the streaming is live only, or if it will be available as a video afterwards.
Here is the program for the conference on Thursday. Both programs looks very interesting. Thumbs up to RME!
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