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me/cfs vs chronically active viral infections. Are they one in the same?

I have been trying to understand where my own illness fits into to all of this.

I do not experience many hallmark symptoms of me/cfs like PEM, cognitive dysfunction, sleep dysfunction and pain.

Rather I just feel as though there is a war being waged in my body, as if it is trying really really hard to rid itself of something and has been doing so unsuccessfully for 1.5 years. Its almost like having the flu but not quite the same, and the severity its can range from mild where I can go on a hour walk to severe where my whole body is pounding/shaky/and swollen and I just have to lie on the couch a couple days.

So my question is, would something like this be classified as me/cfs? Even without experiencing the many hallmark symptoms. Or would it be more likely an active viral (or other pathogen) infection? Or are these the same?


Senior Member
Have you had appropriate tests for chronic viruses such as EBV and HHV? I don't know much about this but other here who are taking different anti viral medicines depending on their test results may be able to help you a bit more.

It may depend on what is available to you with your healthcare system in your country and your finances.

I also don't always have typical PEM but more constant head fatigue/sleepiness and body heaviness/stiffness with nerve and joint pain, severe achiness and viral symptoms that do not always seem related to exertion (although sometimes they are).
