MCAS, Quercetin, DAO, and MIGRAINE


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I've been feeling my food issues coming back, so I decided to order quercetin as I have never taken that alone before (just in my neuroprotek). I took it for the first time this morning, and got a migraine. Does that mean I actually need DAO to reduce histamine? I have never had high histamine in blood tests, but not sure why the quercetin gave me a migraine.

Have any of you guys had migraine after taking quercetin? If so, does DAO help? It seems there are a few studies out there suggesting DAO is good for histamine migraine.

Thanks in advance


Senior Member
There are MCAS cases with low DAO (=supplement could help) and there are MCAS cases with high DAO (=supplementing DAO will not help in such a case)

You need to messure yours DAO blood levels to be sure if it makes sense to add DAO.


Senior Member
I cant judge/answer this, the Dr just told me the DAO blood test is serious and maked this test in my case.
Imo another question if quercitin supplements really work. It has been shown invitro that Quercitin has really great mastcell stabilization effects, but it is also known that the human body cant absorb Quercitin any good and there have been no large clinical trials that Quercitin supplements with so called "better biological absorbation rate" really work (like advertised).

imo it is the same like with Curcumin where addiotional stuff like pepper should increase bioavailability. Nowadays the same supplemente biz advertises micells, liposomal curcumin that should work even better and so on.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I will have to look into that test. Thank you.

I still haven't had the nerve to try to quercetin again. I know it is in my neuroprotek, and that is fine... It might have been something else that gave me the migraine, but I'm afraid to try it again.