Mcas and meals on wheels

vision blue

Senior Member
Just curious if anyone with MCAS has tried meels on wheels and what there experience was like.

(And seperate issue is is this a germ factory to have someone deliver food everyday he comes to alot of homes?


Senior Member
Just curious if anyone with MCAS has tried meels on wheels and what there experience was like.

i had one which worked surprisingly well. i usually have problems with outdoor eating, but they did it in a way which worked for me... UNTIL they switched their oil to cheap palm(kernel)oil... (while at the same time rising prices by 30-50%)
welcome food intolerance, bye bye food on wheels... :'(

if i do not tolerate food, one if my symptoms is i cannot just get it down. have a hard time eating like body is completely fed up with it.
if food is working for me, i can gulp it down in minutes.

there are some restaurants. if they cook themselves and are a real restaurant with good kitchen they sometimes offer to deliver via wheels.
sometimes you can even make wishes. separating things like sauce from potatoes/rice/noodles for example can make a difference in tolerance.