Hello, IT seems Not uncommon in ME/CFS to feel Bad after porn because of the hyperarrousal. But i also feel very shaky and Bad after Masturbation while sexting with my girlfriend (Not even Pictures Just plain Text).
Is there a way to Work around this crashing or weird Symptoms after it? I mean after all i can reduce IT but i still have a Libido and a girlfriend so its horrible wanting Sex but Feeling you cant because i will feel my brain chemistry is mixed Up Afterwards.
My HRV and Heart Rate isnt even effected Afterwards its Just a Feeling of internal Tremor and shakyness with a weird Type of exhaustion
Any ideas?
Is there a way to Work around this crashing or weird Symptoms after it? I mean after all i can reduce IT but i still have a Libido and a girlfriend so its horrible wanting Sex but Feeling you cant because i will feel my brain chemistry is mixed Up Afterwards.
My HRV and Heart Rate isnt even effected Afterwards its Just a Feeling of internal Tremor and shakyness with a weird Type of exhaustion
Any ideas?