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Masturbation and sexual thinking triggering Bad Feeling?


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Hello, IT seems Not uncommon in ME/CFS to feel Bad after porn because of the hyperarrousal. But i also feel very shaky and Bad after Masturbation while sexting with my girlfriend (Not even Pictures Just plain Text).

Is there a way to Work around this crashing or weird Symptoms after it? I mean after all i can reduce IT but i still have a Libido and a girlfriend so its horrible wanting Sex but Feeling you cant because i will feel my brain chemistry is mixed Up Afterwards.

My HRV and Heart Rate isnt even effected Afterwards its Just a Feeling of internal Tremor and shakyness with a weird Type of exhaustion

Any ideas?


Senior Member
I never found a way around it. I have the same thing so badly that I just can't do it anymore - even looking at porn for five minutes will give me a minor crash for a day or two.

If you want to look it up, separate from ME/CFS it's called POIS - although I think it's not uncommon to have elements of both.

Sorry you're dealing with that - it's awful. I've accepted that I will never have a physical relationship after many years of trying every remedy under the sun - niacin, fenugreek and garlic, antihistamines, etc. Although when I was more mild in ME/CFS, those things took away a bit of the impact. As I got more severe, they make almost no difference.


Senior Member
I have POIS, it started in my teens and got worse into my mid-20's around the point where I had a major crash and developed MCS/EHS so I feel like there may be some connection between the 2. The symptoms will get worse the more intensity and pleasure there was and a bad reaction to D3 that goes in the direction of over stimulation and anxiety can mimic a POIS episode without any sexual involvement if that's any key to what might be going on during a POIS attack. With POIS I will after orgasm feel extremely brain fogged and lethargic at first and as the hours go on this will turn into extreme near panic attack levels of anxiety and cognitive dysfunction on the bounce back from the initial couple hours after an orgasm with a lot flu like symptoms (blocked inflamed sinus, nasal drip, can feel a bit feverish at times), my speech issues will also explode during the absolute worst episodes. Quercetin use to help a bit but since it crashed me once when I got PFS from saw palmetto I no longer use it.

Considering my weird D3 reactions are able to mimic a POIS episode and a very severe one at the worst I feel like it's a very dysregulated hormonal fluctuation linked immune response but with some involvement of dopamine or some other pleasure linked release at orgasm.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Thanks for Sharing. I Wonder If L-dopa helps bounce Back after Post orgasmic State since dopa lowers prolactin


Senior Member
Considering my weird D3 reactions are able to mimic a POIS episode and a very severe one at the worst I feel like it's a very dysregulated hormonal fluctuation linked immune response but with some involvement of dopamine or some other pleasure linked release at orgasm.

Yep, all that.

I Wonder If L-dopa helps bounce Back after Post orgasmic State since dopa lowers prolactin

I've experimented on and off with stuff like Dopa Mucuna, but not sure it affects it (or maybe I just need a higher dosage - always hard to tell).


..and we built castles in the Sky.
I will do a test with tyrosine, choline and other neurotransmitter helpers. we will see.

since i not crash long lasting after an orgasm and usually bounce back within 2 days i am able to test this without risiking declining for ever. i mean i would throw away 2 days at worst but i have time...

lets see if it does anything.


Senior Member
Hello, IT seems Not uncommon in ME/CFS to feel Bad after porn because of the hyperarrousal. But i also feel very shaky and Bad after Masturbation while sexting with my girlfriend (Not even Pictures Just plain Text).

Is there a way to Work around this crashing or weird Symptoms after it? I mean after all i can reduce IT but i still have a Libido and a girlfriend so its horrible wanting Sex but Feeling you cant because i will feel my brain chemistry is mixed Up Afterwards.

My HRV and Heart Rate isnt even effected Afterwards its Just a Feeling of internal Tremor and shakyness with a weird Type of exhaustion

Any ideas?
i only have this micro crash after ejaculation. not so for masturbating without ejaculation. seamed to also have it less with actual sex.
what helped me is if i take my sodium ascorbate like 500mg+ directly after it. it prevents this or feathers it at least.

My HRV and Heart Rate isnt even effected Afterwards its Just a Feeling of internal Tremor and shakyness with a weird Type of exhaustion
i know this, i do not get this from masturbation. when i was kinda normal and still had girls, i sometimes got this when meeting a new girl and tension was building up over the evening. it resolved back then with orgasm, and usually was only in the beginning. consecutive meetings with that girl were much less. with my actual girlfriend i never had this type of reaction. well not since i was very young ^^.

if the arousal is the problem and not ejaculation, and you meet with your girl, you might masturbate before the meeting. or go to toilette right in the beginning. that relaxes things down a lot.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
update: its not even just the orgasm it seems to be the arrousal.

guess there is no way arround the dopamine fire in the head. maybe low dose abilify will change things since its a dopamine regulator after all, but that shouldnt be the main reason one takes a medicine.

if lda helps me in other things i will approach this topic again. for now i feel horrible again thanks to testing.


Senior Member
Yep, all that.

You mean specifically with the D3? This morning I tried high dose biotin (10 mg), felt calmer but a little weird, noticed slightly less sensitivity down there but more of a sexual reaction to what I'm attracted to. Orgasm was slightly less intense and currently in the post orgasm lethargic, anhedonic brain fog though with biotin there appears to be a slight improvement in it. So it modifies things a little down there and I don't get the benefits some other people here have from it, in fact it seems to do the opposite energy wise. Not super sensitive to it though as I'm able to take the full dose without anything going off the rails. I'll just see how I feel in a few days after this. D3 remains the master modulator of whatever is going on down there.

https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1113/JP272961 - I was looking up the relation of biotin to various things. My slight modulation of sexual symptoms may have a key here, also through this found there is a biotin dependent thiamine transporter which I also have odd reactions too.

edit - I went outside for a walk post orgasm and biotin. Ouch. Definitely have the extreme decrease in energy and lead legs going on though the slight improvement in post orgasm mental clarity may have been due to an effect of biotin on the immune response, I didn't notice it would be that bad till I actually got it up and tried to go anywhere. Definitely having high level of general flu like malaise right now too.Feeling unsatisfied too like the orgasm didn't even really feel good or release enough good things which the biotin dulled, so I retained more sex drive after the fact but in a rather uncomfortable way.

https://www.researchgate.net/public...ological_and_Inflammatory_Functions_by_Biotin - It appears to do a lot but the study is locked behind a paywall so I can't get the specifics.
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Senior Member
edit - I went outside for a walk post orgasm and biotin. Ouch. Definitely have the extreme decrease in energy and lead legs going on though the slight improvement in post orgasm mental clarity may have been due to an effect of biotin on the immune response, I didn't notice it would be that bad till I actually got it up and tried to go anywhere.

That describes how I felt when I was quite mild - maybe 15 years ago. Now I am more severe, so I cannot walk even without any sexual stimulation. Unfortunately, the lead legs and everything are my baseline.

i only have this micro crash after ejaculation. not so for masturbating without ejaculation. seamed to also have it less with actual sex.

For me, it was no different masturbation or sex. And even looking at porn will give me 50% of the symptom severity.

update: its not even just the orgasm it seems to be the arrousal.

guess there is no way arround the dopamine fire in the head. maybe low dose abilify will change things since its a dopamine regulator after all, but that shouldnt be the main reason one takes a medicine.

Exactly the same for me. The orgasm makes it worse, but 5 minutes of looking at porn will still cause a crash for me - but I'm relatively severe.

Let me know how LDA works. I have some, but that's one of the things I haven't tried yet. Since I can still (barely) take care of myself, very concerned about things that might permanently lower my baseline to where I can no longer fend for myself - I don't really have any backup plan.


Senior Member
I get bad depression and extreme irritability after masturbation. There is a strong urge to get into a fight or vent anger on someone during this period.


Senior Member
I get bad depression and extreme irritability after masturbation. There is a strong urge to get into a fight or vent anger on someone during this period.
i get this when taking isolated vitamin b6. but only with that vitamin. maybe same kind of imbalance happening.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Its quite surprising to me that supplements and nutrients have such a big impact on other patients.

the only supplement i seem to notice (in a good way) is phosphatidylcholine


Senior Member
Its quite surprising to me that supplements and nutrients have such a big impact on other patients.

the only supplement i seem to notice (in a good way) is phosphatidylcholine
supplements besides vitamin D (i suppose) and a bit vitamin C dont seam to bring something beneficial to me. and b vitamins more energy it seams at cost of increased allergen and asthma potential.

do you notice the same benefits from egg YOLKS as from phosphatidylcholine?


..and we built castles in the Sky.
i like to eat eggs yes, but i am not sure i really feel the same difference. it might be


Senior Member
i like to eat eggs yes, but i am not sure i really feel the same difference. it might be
might be worth a experiment, maybe try to eat dose equivalent amount of egg yolk to get the same amount of PC as from your supplement.
1 large egg should have approx. 1g of PC.
if you wanna min/max you can only take the raw egg yolk. smash the insides into a half full glass of water, then you can fish out the yolks with a spoon and eat it. (do the sink test first and good washing, and only fresh bio eggs far from MHD expiration date. if it sinks its good, if it floats or doesnt touch ground anymore => trash bin)
I just wondered do you guys ever had a past prostate infection? mine deterioration of health started afterwards. reactive-arthritis-type symptoms came and diagnosed and resolved finally. lots of antibiotics and still I Have it remained prostatitis as chronic so I hesitate masturbating or having sex. my mind is already complex and confused I have high libido as well but worsening for a few days after ejaculations brings hesitation. ejaculation is a way of relaxing yourself because you don't wanna go far without out or you cannot stand.

unrelated to all now I have neuropathy afterwards covid or the vaccines.

wondered because pois might be related with a chronic prostate or urinary tract infections. whether it might not be related antibiotics, nsaids, antidepressants or herbs and supplements related lower urinary tract might be useful in pois too. the bacteria or fungi reactivate after ejaculation may make you feel worse. those are bee pollen, quercetin complex, berberine, zinc pumpkin seeds or oil.

the solution I find is taking an nsaid before ejaculations help me greatly. then if it is not settled I take supplements. take care all. it was just an idea.

even in healthy individuals it brings fatigue and other things like regretting afterwards and etc.


Senior Member
do you guys ever had a past prostate infection?
i could have, but dont know. i always had this problem when becoming to stimulated by girls just cuddling i would get such blue balls that it hurts and i get also problems with guts, having feeling of needing to stool a lot.
once in my young teenage girls i lied in winter on cold grass for long time, since then i got problems with peeing, it didnt hurt but the beam wasnt strong like its blocked a bit. i think it are muscles around the bladder constricting. i still have this and this can change over the day. when i hold it too long like overnight i have problems to let it go until i try a few hours later and its fine. but muscular problems i have on whole body.
always had this problem when becoming to stimulated by girls just cuddling i would get such blue balls
the very same. I get an erection easily in many circumstances.
I mean holding yourself is bad. prostatitis even came mechanically even in cyclists when you do not ejaculate regularly. or cysts could come up when you squeeze your penis hard meanwhile ejaculation or postpone it by doing that.

my case after am intercourse was a sign of sexually acquired infection however nothing showed up in cultures. now feel better time to time worst in winter and pushing hard on myself that is several masturbation or sex in a day.
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